Cancer, Domingo’s horoscope April 4, 2021 | Cancer Horoscopes

Cancer, Jupiter and Aquarius to all taste of aquarium innovation is increased by the influence of Jupiter’s cremation. Here is the vertical expansion of science and technology.

Day prognosis
Tienes has a very strong taste for technological innovations, from the new cellular like, the iPhone-face ID, the one you use to your counter, has the autonomous coaches that allow the user to relax. It’s all about the uranium energy of Aquarium.

The case of love is with the energy of Leo, which in harmony with the organ and vanity. This inclination is one of the many problems for relationship, then it is always the center of attention and it is not easy for many to tolerate and even more so in the relationship. If you work in this aspect for the benefit of sentimental life.


House of the salud in Maagd, the goberna the duodeno, which is the part of the intestine that connects with the stomach. You need to be careful not to get duodenitis, which can cause gastritis. The correct diet should be avoided.

Mercury of the energy in this case, the source has many qualities as for example intelligence and taste through knowledge. Be able to read and specialize in any area you need to work on to prepare for the best job in the labor camp.

Housekeeping is provided by Tauro, as well as the workforce, with a high degree of responsibility and facilities to generate an incentive to maintain sound finances.


Couple prediction
Weegskaal da energía a esta casa, y te ayuda a ser conciliadora, lo cual es un don maravilloso que te ayuda mucho, todos cometemos errores y nos podemos distanciar, pero buscar la reconciliaçon es algo que cuesta y en ti es un rasgo de tu forma de ser.

Amor: Tauro, Virgo and Capricornio
Amistad: Capricornio y Piscis
Laboral: Piscis y Sagitario.
Sexual energy: Very good,
