Cancer can be accurately diagnosed using a urine test with artificial intelligence


IMAGE: The set of sensor signals collected for each patient was then analyzed using ML to examine the patient for PCa. Seventy-six urine samples were measured three times, generating 912 … views more

Credit: Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST)

Prostate cancer is one of the most common cancers among men. Patients are determined to have prostate cancer, mainly based on * PSA, a cancer factor in blood. Because the diagnostic accuracy is as low as 30%, a significant number of patients undergo additional invasive biopsy and thus suffer from consequent side effects, such as bleeding and pain.

* Prostate-specific antigen (PSA): a prostate-specific antigen (a cancer factor) used as an index for the screening of prostate cancer.

The Korean Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) has announced that the collaborative research team led by dr. Kwan Hyi Lee of the Biomaterials Research Center and Professor In Gab Jeong of the Asan Medical Center developed in just twenty minutes a technique to diagnose prostate cancer from urine. with almost 100% accuracy. The research team developed this technique by introducing a clever AI analysis method to an ultrasensitive biosensor on electrical signal.

As a non-invasive method, a diagnostic test using urine is convenient for patients and it is not necessary to do invasive biopsy, whereby cancer is diagnosed without side effects. Because the concentration of cancer ** factors is low in urine, a biosensor on urine was used to classify risk groups rather than accurately diagnose them.

** Cancer factor: a cancer-related biological index that can objectively measure and evaluate drug reactivity for a normal biological process, disease progression and a treatment method.

Dr. Lee’s team at the KIST worked on developing a technique for diagnosing urinary tract diseases using the ultra-sensitive biosensor based on electrical signal. An approach using a single cancer factor associated with a cancer diagnosis was limited to increasing the diagnosis accuracy to more than 90%. To overcome this limitation, however, the team simultaneously used different types of cancer factors instead of using only one to innovatively improve diagnostic accuracy.

The team has developed an ultra-sensitive semiconductor sensor system that can measure trace amounts of selected four cancer factors in urine for the diagnosis of prostate cancer. They trained AI using the correlation between the four cancer factors, obtained from the developed sensor. The trained AI algorithm was then used to identify those with prostate cancer by analyzing complex patterns of the detected signals. The diagnosis of prostate cancer using the AI ​​analysis successfully detected 76 urine samples with almost 100 percent accuracy.

“For patients requiring surgery and / or treatments, cancer is diagnosed with high accuracy by using urine to reduce unnecessary biopsy and treatments, which can dramatically reduce medical costs and medical staff exhaustion,” Professor Jeong told the Asan Medical Center said. “This research has developed a smart biosensor that can only quickly diagnose prostate cancer with almost 100 percent accuracy through a urine test, and it can be further used in the accurate diagnosis of other cancers using a urine test,” said Dr. . Lee said at the KIST. .


This research was supported by the Midcareer Researcher Grant program of the Korean National Research Foundation, government departments (the Ministry of Science and ICT, the Ministry of Trade and Industry, the Ministry of Health and Welfare, and the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety), and Korea Medical Fund Development Fund, funded by the Ministry of Science and ICT (MSIT). The research results are in the latest issue of ACS Nano, a top international academic journal in the nano-field.

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