Can you make 11 minutes of ownership? Te ayudará a vivir más

(CNN) – There is no way that by 2020 the levels of physical activity of many will be obstructed. Between the Zoom meetings, the Netflix marathons and the virtual cocktail hours, for many, the increase in time spent is a reality pulsed by the pandemic.

There are plenty of studies that cite the inexplicable risks for the sake of being sent over a long period of time. Pero hay buenas notices! If you have all this time without physical activity, with only 11 minutes of daily movement, you can increase your life expectancy, you will find a recent study.

Quizzes you are presenting about the time of day that has been listening for years. Es verdad. Previous studies, including one popular study of 2016, originally revealed the goal of diary ownership in 60 to 75 minutes to reduce mortality. Without embarrassment, this study is based on self-reported data, which is the latest study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, finding that defective debtors have low levels of activity.

Taking a more objective approach, the scientists of the Norwegian School of Sports Medicine base their research on the use of activity monitors to restore ownership versus sedentary time. The results show that the participants took 35 minutes a day to celebrate the mayor’s statistical difference in the life expectancy. Without embargo, only 11 minutes of moderate self-esteem, equivalent to a fast track, will have a positive impact opmerklik. At the same time, both periods of time will have a positive impact, regardless of the duration of sessions.

The Mayor of the people can move 11 minutes a day

If it takes 35 minutes to get the most out of it, it will be a great bargaining chip that will make it even easier to include the most inactive ones between us and we will increase our life expectancy.

¿Entonces, como lo haces?

The most difficult form is to train in the free air or in the local teacher’s gym. Caminar is one of the best owners. Without embarrassment, with the global climate that many people live in and the restrictions on the covid-19 pandemic that limit access to public high schools, it is possible that more creative means and accesses are needed to be effective in 11 minutes at home.

These are some forms of self-esteem that you can consider.

Important importance: if you suffer while you have any qualms about it, keep it immediately. Consult with your doctor before starting any new exercise program.

Walking in the can lift the cardiac frequency, an ideal form of burning calories during the winter months.

Has 4-series of a sequencing of 3 minute corporate peso

Four rounds of thirty minutes total 12 minutes, but it is good: you can manage the extra minute. Depending on the uses it uses, it can have a different ligament rhythm during each round, which lasts 11 minutes.

To make adequate flexion, ensure that the superior and inferior part of its body is straight to establish the position of the plate.

When selecting your possessions, you intend to choose a sequence of movements that equates to a complete bodybuilding training session. For example, avoid only movements of the upper part of the body less than planes make movements of the lower part of the body on the next day.

The flexions fortalecen the superior part of the body.

Ideally, there is a combo, as for example: determine the number of repetitions for each ejaculation, depending on the level of physical condition and maintaining a sequence of three minutes for the time period.

Example of thirty minute ownership sequences:

  • 10 to 25 bends
  • 25 to 40 corporate peso sentadillas
  • A minute to walk in the place

Have a yoga routine

The yoga can help you sleep better 0:54

Yoga can be an excellent way to make sure your body moves while living and stressing your mind-body connection. If you have been practicing yoga for a while, you should be able to unroll your wallpaper, configure a timer for 11 minutes and perform some salutes on the sun or any amount of combinations of your favorite yoga postures.

Si eres nuevo en el yoga, none to preview. A quick search for “11 Minutes of Yoga” on YouTube offers multiple free options for those sigas.

Alternatively, you can actually make it simple and practice one of my Minute MoFlows 11 times. These are one-minute exercise sessions inspired by yoga that lead to the movement of basic movements in all movement plans.

Baila como si nadie estuviera mirando

Admittedly, this is my favorite form of incorporating 11 minutes of movement into my day. There are so many fun and exciting things to do with renting your favorite songs in the comfort of your home. And when you are alone at home, you do not have to wait as long as you are waiting; Nadie is really mirando! Solo eres tú y el rhythm. Only three songs are required to read in 11 minutes, as long as you let them inhibit and follow the rhythm.

Do you have any ideas for your reproduction list?

Here are three easy songs to watch that will take you 11 minutes to complete:

“Happy”, by Pharrell Williams (3:52)
“Uptown Funk”, by Mark Ronson, with Bruno Mars (4:30)
«HandClap», de Fitz and the Tantrums (3:13)

If you live in a small house, you can rent only if you always have an option. Aggregate some time of familiar union time and benefits for the mental health haciendo a fiesta de baile familiar.

Do you find it easy to take 11 minutes of diary exercise? You can do it. Hecho, te lo debes a ti mismo despu de pasar el año pasado. Although no one can afford a renovation in 2020, it can recover the lost time adding a little more to its life.

– Dana Santas, known as the “Movement of Creator”, is a specialist in strength and conditioning and bodybuilder and mentor training in professional sports. Is the author of the book “Practical Solutions to Alive the Weakness of the Spline”.
