Can it be explained that vacancies can contact covid-19?

(CNN Español) –– More than 5,000 people are fully evacuated in the United States coronavirus, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

How is it explained? El Dr. Elmer Huerta analyzes CDC data and records how vacancies work.

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Hello, soja el Dr. Elmer Huerta and this is his dose of information about the new coronavirus. Information that we hope will help us to take care of our health and that of our families.

The people evacuated and the coronavirus

A notice that the world has fallen –– discussing various types of reactions–– the publications on the data that the Centers for Control and Prevention of United States (CDC) shared with CNN have been published.

In an e-mail, the CDC revealed that it had produced 5,800 covid-19 cases in people who had completed their vacancies in the United States, of the two, 396 hospitalized and 74 of them failed.

Debide to the surprise that caused by many people who were already completely evacuated can be hospitalized, hospitalized and have to die of covid-19, today we will see this paradoxical apartheid phenomenon.

First of all, as we will explain in the episode of March 4, it is very important to understand the difference between the concepts that tend to confuse: efficiency and effectiveness of vacancies.

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What is the efficiency of a home?

We record that in phase 3 of the clinical phase of the evacuation of vacancies, we invite miles of volunteers to participate in a study, in which case the candidate for vaccination is placed against a placebo, and the efficacy of the vaccine is calculated. la enfermedad o sus complicaciones.

It is said, in stage 3 that the first term that we want to clarify is determined: the efficiency of a vacancy.

The fundamental concept for extending the efficacy of a vaccine is to assume that Phase 3 studies are governed by highly controlled research protocols, in which the investigators carefully select the study participants.

In other words, with the aim of having a homogeneous population and facilitating the comparison of the results, the participants of the phase 3 studies their more or less people, from those who exclude many times to women embarrassed, people, people very ancianas or with pre-existing nurses.

To conclude the phase 3 study, compare the number of cases of sick leave in the group receiving the vaccine and the group receiving the placebo, conclude that the vaccine is effective if the cases of sick leave in the group that receive the vaccine its many minorities than in the group that received the placebo.

For Pfizer / BioNTech, for example, its efficiency is calculated at 95% and for Modern, at 94.5%, ten percent of which AstraZeneca is at 82.4%, and at Johnson & Johnson, 72% at United States, 66% in Latin America and 57% in South Africa.

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What is the effectiveness of a vacancy?

Effectiveness is a completely different concept and implies the use of the living space in real life. Es decir, fuera de un study studio.

Recently, he was forced to publish performance studies of the vacancies. Israel’s first wine cellars, in addition to actively evacuating their inhabitants, are being studied for as long as the vacancies, they say, are effective.

In one of them, investigators of the health plan Clalit of Israel studied 1.2 million people in vacancies, of the 600,000 received the dose of the Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine and 600,000 no, comparing the frequency of co-occurrence cases. 19 and the serious cases of the infection.

Compared with the vacancies, the frequency of sick leave was 94% lower and worse, 92% lower in vacancies, in comparison with the vacancies.

These numbers, 94% and 92%, denominate the effectiveness of the vaccine, no efficacy.

The difference is that the efficacy is calculated in a clinically controlled study in which the type of participating volunteers is compared and the vaccine is compared with a placebo. While efficiency is calculated by evacuating all types of people in real life, it compares the vacancies against the vacancies.

Given the difference between efficiency and effectiveness, it is very important to understand that none –– not the efficiency or effectiveness–– is 100%. It is said that there is no 100% effective or 100% effective vacancy.

What is the status of the United States?

I would like to acknowledge that it has produced 5,800 covid-19 cases in the vacancies, and it is very important to know that these cases are approaching approximately 66 million in total vacancies by the 8th of April.

Having a simple calculation, we have 5,800 cases representing 0.009% of the 66 million vacancies. This means that the sick leave is 99.991% of the vacancies.

With regard to the characteristics of the 5,800 cases, the CDC informs that only 40% of the common infections and major people over 60 years, 65% in females and 29% had asymptomatic cases, being all new –– and different from them Cases described in Israel–– that all nurses develop enfermedad leve.

Given that there are variants of SARS-CoV-2 that can not be sensitive to the neutralizing antidotes produced by the vacancies, the CDC informs that there are reports reported for patients on demographic data, geographical location, temporary time of lot and line of SARS-CoV-2.

And, ultimately, in relation to the 396 hospitalized and 74 homeless people in the evacuated persons, and soberendendiend that every human being is accurate, it is easy to calculate and value the number of hospitalizations and deaths that hubieran occurred in this group of 77 people no hubieran vacunado.

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