Can any sanctions apply to the deputies against Pedro Botello?

Santo Domingo, RD.

Since the passing of the deputy of the Christian Reform Party (PRSC) Pedro Botello raised a gap in various scenarios in favor of the 30th anniversary of the Workers’ Pension Funds Fund, a project that is being held at the National Congress for its study.

With this lie the legislator and his followers and called the pacific manifestations he ended in violence.

The last scenario of a protest in front of the speakers of the National Congress, where the protesters intentaron derribar las metallic cercas, hosted by the military who guard the legislative chambers and impede the passage to the session of the congressmen.

The provocations show donations to the infrastructure and Senator Faride Raful shared various images where one of the crystals of his official office was observed and a foot of a month.

This Monday, the Presidents of the Senate of the Republic and the Chamber of Deputies, Eduardo Estrella and Alfredo Pacheco, respectively, reproach the action indicating that the case of Pedro Botello is enacted in the Disciplinary Board of the Chamber of Deputies and the Internal Regulations and the Constitution of the Republic impose the sanctions.

Accord Article 170 of the Rules of Procedure, the Disciplinary Board shall impose the following sanctions: Private amnesty; public censorship; privilege of representing the Chamber in national and international events at the time determined by the Disciplinary Board; suspension of the labor commissions that are due at the time determined, “for the imposition of this sanction will be necessary the prior notification and ratification by the Pleno.

Asimismo, the privacy of the viable disgruntled fruit for the time being determined; Recommendation to the Plenary for initiation the constitutional process established in accordance with Article 1) of Article 83 of the Constitution of the Republic.

This figure indicates that the Chamber of Deputies you can accuse the Senate of the elected public officials elected by popular vote, to the electorate by the Senate and by the National Council of the Magistrates, by the Commission of grave fault in the ownership of its functions. The application must be made only with the favorable vote of the three parties to the register.

When the President and Vice-President of the Republic are treated, the favorable vote of the three quarters of the register shall be required. The accused person will be suspended in his duties from the moment Cámara declares that he has committed the charges.

El deputado del PRSC / La Romana, announcement that the next Saturday, February 27, will appear before the National Congress, advertising 30 of the pension funds.

This day, the Dominican Republic celebrates 177th anniversary of its independence, on this occasion President Luis Abinader compared the National Assembly, the National Congress, to make remarks.
