Can allergies cause a loss of smell and taste? Doctors explain

It can be quite nervous to lose your sense of smell, especially since it is a symptom of COVID-19 – and also relatively common.

A study from 2020 published in the journal PLOS Medicine found that 78% of 567 people who experienced a lost sense of smell or taste in the previous month tested positive for antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 (the new coronavirus).

‘I think most people do not necessarily recognize [a loss of smell] as a symptom of infection. They may think it’s weird and unrelated, ‘said Amesh A. Adalja, managing director of the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Safety. Prevention. “But that seems to be a good indication of COVID-19.”

A lost sense of smell (medically known as anosmia, which is often accompanied by a lost sense of taste, or agitation) can be rooted in other problems, including upper respiratory tract infections, such as colds and, yes, even allergies.

As spring increases, you may feel confused if symptoms suddenly appear, especially if they are new to you. In advance, doctors explain the connection between allergies in particular and a loss of smell, plus what to do if you experience them.

Why do allergies cause a loss of smell?

It has a lot to do with how allergies work in the first place. If you come in contact with something you are allergic to, it triggers a chain reaction that starts in your genes and is expressed by your immune system, according to the American Academy of Allergy Asthma & Immunology (AAAAI).

If your immune system detects an allergen, such as pollen or grass, it overreacts by making antibodies called Immunoglobulin E (IgE). Those antibodies then move to your cells, where they release chemicals called histamines – and those histamines cause typical allergy symptoms, such as a stuffy nose, cough and itchy, watery eyes.

This is where a loss of smell comes into play: the nerves that carry your sense of smell to your brain are located in your nose, says Stanley Schwartz, MD, Ph.D., Head of the Department of Allergy-Immunology-Rheumatology at the University of Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences. If you have an allergic reaction, the nerves can become inflamed and ‘it will cut off your sense of smell’, he explains.

Allergies can also cause sinusitis, an inflammation of your sinuses, that is, the cavities in your skull that are located around your eyes and behind your nose. “Sinusitis can cause your sinuses to become full of mucus,” says Dr. Schwartz, “and it can affect your ability to smell odors.”

Then there is the issue of just dealing with a stuffy nose due to allergies. “If you are overloaded, you may notice a decreased sense of smell,” says allergist and immunologist Scott Feldman, MD, Ph.D., assistant professor of clinical medicine at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania. Uncontrolled inflammation in your sinuses due to intense allergies can also lead to nasal polyps, or growths on the lining of your nose and sinuses, which can also deal with your sense of smell, he says.

How to tell if your odor loss is caused by allergies or COVID-19

COVID-19 is still spreading, so it is important to keep in mind that your sense of smell may be due to a coronavirus infection. But because positive cases are declining across the country and more people are being vaccinated against the virus, it is quite possible that you could prevent loss of smell or taste due to allergies.

So, how can you tell the difference? First, a loss of odor due to allergies always happens along with nasal congestion, Dr. Schwartz points out. On top of that, if allergies are the culprit, the odor loss will gradually escalate, says Kara Wada, MD, an allergist and immunologist at Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center. “The odor loss from COVID is pretty sudden,” she says.

It is also important to keep in mind your personal history of seasonal allergies. If you have struggled with them in the past and develop a loss of odor at the same time as usual allergic symptoms, it is worth considering, says Dr. Wada.

If you experience odor or taste loss along with other noticeable coronavirus symptoms, especially fever, you should be more suspicious that you may have COVID-19, says Richard Watkins, MD, an infectious disease doctor and professor of internal medicine in the Northeast . Ohio Medical University.

Can’t figure out what’s going on? This is completely understandable, as the symptoms of COVID-19 and allergies usually overlap. In this case, your doctor can help you with guidance. They will be able to get a detailed history of your symptoms and previous experiences with allergies. From there, they would probably recommend being tested for COVID-19, just to be on the safe side.

What can you do if allergies lead to loss of smell or taste?

If you have tested negative for COVID-19, or if you are fairly positive that your allergies are behind your loss of smell and taste, because it has happened before, you can do a few things to get relief.

✔️ Do your best to avoid your triggers.

This can be troublesome if you are allergic to outdoor allergens, such as pollen. But if you can, dr. Schwartz recommends staying indoors with your air conditioner or an air purifier running if the number of pollen in your area is high. Do you have to go out? Wear a face mask, even if you are not going to be with others. This can help filter out irritating particles so that you can breathe a little easier and is ideal for avoiding the onset of symptoms.

✔️ Try using a nasal spray.

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A low dose steroid nasal spray like fluticasone (Flonase) can help regularly. “It does not cure your allergies, but it does reduce the inflammation that can lead to a loss of odor,” says Dr. Schwartz.

Salt sprays are another gentle option that can be helpful in getting rid of litter and allergens that can lurk in your sinuses and nasal cavity, says Dr. Wada.

Azelastine (Astepro) is a nasal antihistamine that is also very effective in combating allergy symptoms, says Dr. Schwartz. This means ‘you do not have to use it all the time – just use it on and off if you need it’, he explains, but you need a doctor’s prescription to get it.

✔️ Reach for an oral antihistamine.

While dr. Feldman recommends using a nasal antihistamine or spray first, he says an antihistamine pill can help if you do not find any relief from a spray solution. This medicine blocks histamine to prevent allergy symptoms in the first place. Try Claritin or Zyrtec for non-drowsy options.

✔️ Consult your doctor if all other things fail.

If you are struggling with a loss of smell or taste due to allergies and home remedies do not work, talk to your doctor. They can offer personalized suggestions to help you find relief.

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