Can airports meet the challenge of an increase in summer travelers?

As more than 100 million people in the U.S. are vaccinated, an increasing number of Americans wanting to escape home each year are discussing plane tickets, despite warnings from public health officials that travel should still be avoided.

With very low reported transmission rates during flights, airlines have steadfastly confirmed that they affirm the safety and hygiene of air travel during the pandemic.

But with an upcoming increase in travelers – many of whom can spend much more time on the ground than on planes – are the country’s airports equipped to handle the crowds?

The Transport Security Administration last week selected more than 1 million passengers a day, an increase of more than 27 percent in the past three weeks. While this is positive news for the airline industry, whose passenger traffic has fallen by 60 percent over the past year, it could be the start of a logistical challenge for airports.

“The crisis is not over yet, but we are definitely seeing the beginnings of a very big rise,” Doug Parker, CEO of American Airlines, said at a JPMorgan Chase virtual conference on Monday.

Gary Kelly, CEO of Southwest Airlines, expressed optimism at a post-conference Washington Post event, saying: “With the number of vaccines rising and the number of cases falling, there is a light at the end of this lot. long tunnel. “

Airports play an important role in stopping the spread of the coronavirus, according to a recent study by the Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health, which said that ‘problems with ventilation, physical distance, behavior and others need to be addressed further’ , the number of travelers is increasing.

The study said that the risk and scientific precautions that already exist to combat the spread of the coronavirus make a major contribution to reducing the risk of Covid-19 transmission in airport settings. However, if you have to fly, or choose to fly, you need to create a Covid plan that includes the recommendations for passengers, as outlined in the report.

Sensors can assess tow lines in security, customs and immigration areas, indicating the need to adjust the ventilation system.

An obvious yet important piece of the plan is to wear a mask. It is federally mandatory at all airports, even with the lifting of rules in some states. Another is rapid virus testing at airports, which ‘can quickly and effectively identify people with infections and prevent them from undergoing activities that could expose others, including potential travel,’ the report said.

The study calls on airports to continue to use only cleaning products approved by the Environmental Protection Agency to disinfect surfaces by hand, and it notes that some of the electrostatic spray and ultraviolet radiation devices still being rolled out still being evaluated.

“The number of air changes per hour suitable for comfort needs may be insufficient to protect against airborne infections, especially in crowded areas,” said researchers.

Passengers should also expect new technology at airports, including smartphone apps that can alert them when it’s their turn to go through security checks.

“Already outside the security checkpoint, travelers can ‘just in time’ be notified of boarding, thus avoiding congestion in the gate area,” the study said. “Sensors can assess queues in security, customs and immigration areas, indicating the need to adjust the ventilation system.”

Health experts recommend that passengers hold their luggage instead of checking it – which avoids facing a sea of ​​strangers at the trunk when they land, but if suitcases need to be checked, travelers should check the airlines’ programs use, which enables contact-free delivery at luggage kiosks.

Finally, passengers must play their own role in preventing the spread of the virus while traveling.

“Airports will continue to communicate these important messages to their passengers and workers,” said Scott Elmore, a spokesman for Airports Council International-North America.

Christina Cassotis, chief executive of the Allegheny County Airport Authority, which oversees aviation in Pittsburgh, said: “It doesn’t matter how clean the plane is if the airport is not clean and healthy. The whole industry is interrelated. . “
