Can Agüero llega ‘n’ principio de acuerdo ‘with Barcelona

In agreement with reports from the English press, the Argentine delirium will be the new player of the Catalan team for the next campaign

LONDRES – El delantero argentino Sergio ‘Kun’ Agüero will be the Barcelona player sharing a locker with one of his best friends, Leo Messi, to hold a “principle of agreement” with the bluegranate and to join Manchester City in the spring, the English Daily Mail rotated.

Second dicho medio, el Barcelona has a “principle of agreement” with the player, who will finalize a contract with the player and the offender will play two years with the team involved.

“The agreement can be made more likely than the delinquency Lionel Messi quede en el Camp Nou ”, mencionó Daily mail.

The propio Aguero he spoke about the Spanish team and what he had to say about the match on the camp next to the captain and idol, Messi.

“I’m writing everything Barca, Barca… we’re going to have a poco. Todavía estamos en el City “, contesto de delantero del City duran sis transmission de Twich.

In the event that transfer is made, Aguero viviría su regreso a LaLiga después de haber sido figura e idolo con el Atlético de Madrid.

Another of the goals that Barcelona has in store for Verano will be the delusion and sensation of Borussia Dortmund, Erling Haaland, who has 20 years and excelled in the Champions League.
