Campaign rusa busca socavar vacunas en EE.UU.

(CNN) – The online intelligence-led platforms are spreading information about the vacancies against coronavirus used in the United States, confirmed by a spokesman for CNN’s Department of State, Domingo.

The Global Engagement Center (GEC, by its seal in English) of the Department of State identified three Russian media outlets — News Front, New Eastern Outlook and Oriental Review — which are only misleading information about the virus, also known as “international organizations,” military conflicts, protests; and any divisive theme that can explode », says the portavoz.

“All these sites vary in their ability, tone and audience, but all are diffuse Russian propaganda and misinformation. The hall of the Department of State has a corner between these sites and the Russian intelligence is the result of a conclusion reached between agencies “, says the spokesman.

It operates the massive evacuation centers in EE.UU. 3:45

The GEC will lead the efforts “to reconstruct, understand, expose and counter the propaganda and misinformation efforts of States and no foreign states destined to influence societies, the security or the establishment of the United States, its allies and allies. on the web site.

The Wall Street Journal provided information on the primary vez sobre la desinformación.

The campaign is produced by United States and other countries and is being evacuated to people with three vacancies at a record time by drug manufacturers Pfizer / BioNTech, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson. Stadium officials have been working to increase the confidence in the medicines in the last months, and the studios will have a pre-emptive level of vacancy among some people, although it has been reduced to implementation.

A spokesman for the Kremlin told the Journal that the intelligence services of the country were being discovered while covering the information campaign.

«It’s a tonteria. The special services will not have anything to do with any criticism of the vacancies “, said the spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, at the periodical.

What are the vacancies for covid-19? An expert responds 6:19

The misinformation against the western vacancies

The Wall Street Journal reports that “Gobierno’s state-of-the-art media and Twitter accounts are very open to planting concerns about the cost and security of Pfizer’s fleet and that Gobierno United States experts say they un esfuerzo para promover la venta de la vacuna rusa, la rival Sputnik V ».

“The enfasis in denying Pfizer is likely to be debated in the state as the first vacancy in addition to Sputnik V in a massive use, which results in a potential mayor mayor for the Sputnik market dominion”, said a close Alliance spokesman for the security of democracy, según el periódico.

One of the media of the disinformation campaign, News Front, used international information to excite “the risk of a person receiving the vacancies of Pfizer or Moderna Inc.” can counter the Bell’s paralysis, in that the facial muscles are paralyzed », According to the Journal, which signaled that well the vaccine receptors were informed of a certain amount of secondary effects, the injections are safe and effective.

Pamela Eisele, spokeswoman for Pfizer, said in the period that there is now, “millions of people have been evacuated with our vacancy by the regulator in various countries”.

A report by Moderna in response to the Journal’s solicitation of comments.

– Paul LeBlanc, de CNN, makes an important contribution.
