Camilo surprises Evaluna at his first birthday party | Gente | Maintenance

One of the favorite couples that belongs to the Montaner family: Camilo, 26 years old, and Evaluna, 23, celebrated his first birthday on the 8th of February.

The Echeverry-Montaner couple is characterized by its details and the constant love that prevails in its social speeches, because it has millions of followers around the region.

Después de mantener una relaxation de cinco años años de noviazgo, el cantante colombiano y la hija menor dart artist Ricardo Montaner se dieron el “sí” y realizaron su matrimonio un un ceremio que cautivo a decenas de media internationales por ser como un ‘hadas cuento’.

Su lune de miel tampoco fue para menos, la pareja fue protagonista de extraordinaires vacaciones en la Bora Bora, located in French Polynesia. Rodados of marvelous and romantic landscapes that I can record on Instagram.

Camilo is defined as a ‘romantic’ and one of the first photos shared by the traveler is one of his late wife, Evaluna, covered by his bathing suit with the lord “Senena Echeverry, appeal of the singer, with the comment “This part of my life is called fullness”.

Photo: Instagram / evalunamontaner

The time has passed and the union of this couple has completed another year, motivated by what it interprets Ropa cara surprise at Evaluna con a shelf considered a relic in the world of music and television.

A video camera of the 60th anniversary of Evaluna on his birthday, who also edited the video of his last hit musical. ‘A year ago. Miren lo que me regaló Camilo ”, Evaluna wrote in a story on Instagram and added: “A year learning from you”.

‘Story’ in his social speeches shared the day he received the shelf.

Además del particular regala, el cantante Colombian dedicó un Post Evaluna has revealed his profile: ‘Nee hooi día que no tenga el corazón de rodillas, thank you to Creador for tendering the point I shared with you ”, confessed on his Instagram.

The issue is also important and the men of the Montaner decided to launch the passage on February 8 on its theme One more one en eer ‘n su esposo, Camilo, quien además protagoniza el video de la canción. (E)
