Camila Sodi’s burla by Geraldine Bazán and the dice: “Maldita lisiada”

Following the bromine tone, in addition to his videos, Camila Sodi grabbed Geraldine while I was very pleased with one of the escalators, while she was talking about contemplation, without embarrassment, the actress was very good with a lot of humor.

Geraldine Bazán
Geraldine Bazán

Geraldine reckons that when it comes to the giant giants, the use of the cane is not broken. “Five minutes of my surgical intervention … Letterlik, destroyed the rodilla, cruciate ligaments, lateral and meniscus”, related.

“It’s a heavy recovery journey. It lacks a lot of passion, action and strength”, assuredly, although it is optimistic: “nothing with what can be done. ¡Vamooos!”.

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