Camila Fernández’s photo circle in babadou

Camila Fernández sigue dando de qué hablar, y es que ya había dejado con la boca abierta a sus seguidores luego de que anunciara que se encperent es unbéb, y ahora lo volvió hacer, pero fue por celebrar su baby shower en kompanía de sus amigas, y as it is only possible during the day that the indication is mantenerse guarded at home and does not realize any type of party to avoid the contagios of COVID-19.

Alejandro Fernández’s henchman held a small reunion by giving his most close friends and his estranged American wife present to celebrate the legacy of his firstborn who will be the lad of his wife, Francisco Barba.

The image that Nelssie Carrillo can draw, can be seen in the nets of Vicente Fernández very sonrientes and other people who lucen content to touch the pancita of the tambiant cantante.


I have to record that Camila also was constantly questioned when she celebrated her life in full pandemic and sang to the acquaintances that the family lived during the celebrations in Zapopan on the cantilever of “La ley del monte” not listening to the coronav contagiaris , la gente no lo perdonó.

In his Instagram account, Camila also shared her most recent musical theme with the title “Mi luz”, el cual y por obvias razones le dedica a su pequeña ya la Felicidad por convertirse en madre.

Los Fernández en el ojo del huracán

This year, the Fernández family was in the oyster of the hurricane debated on video that was filtered to social media on Thursday Vicente Fernández if the fault of a young man, who together with his family pissed off a photo of the record.

Dicho material has been questioned by many people among the feminist groups who have seen the act of singing “For Your Maldite Love” and “Divine Women” signal as sexual intercourse, macho, between other things.

It is said that Chente opened the door of his ranch, Los Tres Potrillos, to the periodical Mara Patricia Castañeda, and therefore was discouraged by this action by saying that no one had his intention to do so and that he was justifying what he was doing. hacer es poner su mano abajo, pero por el poco espacio que tenía, ya no lo pudo hacer.

