Camera of Representatives of EE.UU. vote on immigration projects in the midst of the large influx of migrants crossing the frontier between the United States and Mexico

(CNN) – It is hoped that the Democrats of the Chamber of Deputies will vote on these projects of the separate parties on immigration, which will mark the first time that the Congress will vote on one of the issues for the undocumented immigrants of the President of the Congo. Biden in the Casa Blanca.

The Chamber will vote on HR 6, the Promise and American Money of 2021, presented by Democratic Representative Lucille Roybal-Allard, of California. This project proposes a truck to the city for the undocumented immigrant girls known as “dreamers”, as well as for the beneficiaries of the Temporary Protection Status (TPS) by its English sailors. The law states that there are up to 4.4 million people eligible for permanent residence, according to the Migration Policy Institute.

It is also planned that the Chamber of Deputies will vote HR1603, the Ley de Modernización de la Fuerza Laboral Agrícola, the bipartisan legislation of the Democratic representative Zoe Lofgren, from California, and the Republican representative Dan Newhouse, from Washington. The project of allowing permits for agricultural workers, their marriages and marriages, to obtain a legal status of continuous employment in the agricultural sector, and to change the program of agricultural workers invited by the H-2A visa.

MIRA: The immigration crisis between Mexico and EE.UU. Continued: more than 100,000 people were arrested in February on the front line

Both projects have been approved by the Chamber in previous years, but are now being voted on by the Democrats with a majority in the House of Representatives and the Senate. It is hoped that both vuelvan will be approved by the Chamber, but it is possible that shocks against a wall in the Senado.

The possibilities that these projects of the obtengan suffice to support a republic to raise the 60 votes in the Senate are very low, renewing the debate between the Democrats about the end of obstructionism. This will allow the legislation to be approved with an umbrella of one more vote, but also because it seems likely that it will be sued.

The Democrats are pushing for the inclusion of the mayor in the wake of immigration in the midst of a recent increase in frontier crosses that Republicans have argued is a serious crisis.

The Republicans’ Chamber of Deputies has been biased against the Biden administration by the influenza of migrants crossing the front in the last few weeks, including the large number of unaccompanied minors traveling to the United States.

MIRA: Biden is caught up in immigration problems, while continuing the crisis of unaccompanied migrant children

Immigrants believe that Biden’s governor will be more accommodating

Many of the migrants who crossed the front line said that the Biden administration would be more supportive than the Trump administration, which would adopt a longer stance.

“It’s more like a crisis. It’s a human anguish, “said Kevin McCarthy, the Republican leader of the House of Representatives, in a press release on the front this week.
“The sad thing is that there is no such thing as success. This crisis was created by the presidential policies of this new administration. Geen hooi otra form de llamarlo que una crisis fronteriza de Biden ».

The impetus for approving these projects is what the Chamber of Deputies’ Democrats will have the opportunity to say that they are working to advance in immigration reforms, but even more so than the need for the most powerful efforts to reform the system.

100,000 arrests in February on the front with EE.UU. 4:42

And if there are any progressive democrats who want to have an integral immigration reform legislation in place of these two fragmentary projects, other democrats have rejected water free of the idea, underlining the difficulty of approving a series of breaks.

The President of the Senate Judiciary, Dick Durbin, told CNN this week that he did not have enough support in this Congress to approve an immigration law project and to rule with a 11-million-dollar immigration truck undocumented, a pillar key to Biden’s immigration plan.

“We do not have a medium to launch this,” said the Democrat from Illinois. «Lo quiero. I believe that it is much more probable that we deal with discrete elements ».

Refiriéndose al esfuerzo de la Cámara de Representantes para impulsar los projectos de ley de immigration, Durbin dijo: «Creo que la presidenta Pelosi ha descubierto que ne tieno para project de ley integral en la Cámara», dijo Durbin. “And there are indications that it is in the Senate.”

CNN’s Manu Raju contributes important information.
