Camacho dice test tube son demolished

With the testimony of Mauricio Dantas Bezerra, advocate representing Odebrecht in the agreement signed with the Public Ministry in 2017, this body has accredited more than 20 documentary proofs against those involved in the case of the Brazilian company.

The holder of the Special Prosecution Prosecution Service of the Administrative Corruption (Pepca), Wilson Camacho, said that his demolition laws were approved by the juveniles of the Collegiate National Tribunal of the National District against the cases involved in the case.

The hearing was adjourned until today at 9:00 a.m. with the Public Prosecutor’s Office testator, Dantas Bezerra, with whom the tribunal initiated the hearing of his testimony.

The tribunal took the decision, to retaliate against various objections presented by the defense of those involved, with which the court rescinds the accreditation of the documentary trials with the Odebrecht executive testimony.

During the hearing, the testimony of Dantas Bezerra declared in the court that Odebrecht made payments of some millions of dollars that he received from the defendant Víctor Díaz Rúa, through the defendant Conrado Pittaluga.

It is said that the Pittaluga payoffs were carried out in the Odebrecht Structural Operations sector through offshore accounts of the Lachan, Conansa and Newport companies, “one of them was created by Senator Conrado Pittaluga”, according to the testimony.

He also said that he had made payments to Ángel Rondón Rijo, the main importer of the US92 million.

While, Camacho assures that the statements of testimony Dantas Bezerra are the initiation of a series of elements that will sufficiently demonstrate the accusation against the six defendants of the Odebrecht case.

“We have the right to follow our theory of the case more than ever before,” said the Deputy Prosecutor, “while the statements of Dantas Bezerra, the first testimony to be made in the case, are valid.” juicio that follows the six accusations of receiving sobornos of the US $ 92 million that the Brazilian company has paid to log the adjudication of public works in the country.

Asked by periodicals about the statements of the defense attorneys of the defendants that remain in the Brazilian testimony of Dantas Bezerra, Magistrate Camacho asserts that it is normal for the defense to remain important in the statements of a witness who is accusation of the public ministry.


Through a hearing of the audience in the Odebreht case, an unusual meeting took place between the testator Mauricio Dantas Bezerra and the accused Conrado Pittaluga, in one of the courts of the Palace of Justice of Ciudad Nueva, located in the first plant in the small town of the tribune . Tan pronto Dantas salió del tribunal, el abogado Conrad Pittaluga le siguió rpidamente un entró al baño donde había ido el testigo.
