Call for Ghanaian candidate for Yayantique alcaldia | El Salvador News

Following the Fiscalia’s formation of a criminal organization in San Alejo called El Diablo de Cordoncillo, it was supposed to be one of the financiers, received by the United States.

The Ghanaian party’s candidate for the Yayantique municipality, the Union’s department, Franklin Gutiérrez, was sent to prison together with the most accused of integrating a group known as “El Diablo de Cordoncillo”, informs the Fiscalía General.

According to the Public Ministry, the group of exterminators operates in three municipalities of the department of the Union, and will be sent to prison while the judicial process is suspended.

Alexis Gaitán, tax officer of the Union, explained that the delictive grouping was summed up in 25 other cases on December 23, 2020. They also decreed the formal formal detention instructions for three cases of homicide, 13 voorstelle en sameswering in the crime of homicide, an aggravated homicide attempted and terrorist organizations.

The Fiscalía signaled that between the eight that were sent would take prisoner after the media hearing in the San Miguel Specialized Instruction, Franklin Gutiérrez, who regressed to EE’s proceedings. UU., To participate in the February 28 elections, have been nominated as candidates for the Yayantique municipality by the Ghanaian party.

The Gaitán tax office informs that Gutiérrez’s the accusation of being part of the financial superstars and is being prosecuted by the crime of terrorist organizations and proposals and conspiracies in the homicide crime.

The extermination group “El Diablo de Cordoncillo”, according to the fiscal officer, received financial support from the foreigner and received access to police information to operate clandestinely and control the municipalities in the municipalities of San Alejo, Yayantique and La Unión.
