California rebasa 25,000 coronavirus deaths

California rejuvenates the 25,000 coronavirus deaths from the onset of the pandemic, the third state of the country in overhauling the market, after New York and Texas, dijeron health workers.

The announcement is currently being made that the nation’s most populous state registers an increase in coronavirus infections that has hospitalized its capacity and has provided doctors and nurses to treat and more patients than usual. California confirms the second case reported in the United States of a new most contagious variant of the virus.

The Department of Health of the state said that the hospitals in the south of California and in the agricultural zone of the Valley of San Joaquin, which additionally had the Mayor of the 40 million inhabitants of the state, were satisfied and their units of care intensive to reach patients with COVID-19.

California saw a third strike in 25,000 deaths. New York has 38,000 and Texas more than 27,000, according to Johns Hopkins University content.

The recommendation:

California reports – its first case of coronavirus in final finals. Register your 10,000ma death for the virus in August.

This week, the Condado de Los Ángeles alcanzó a “terrible hit”, with 274 deaths in 24 hours, for a total of 10,056 decesos, says doctor Barbara Ferrer, director of health of the condo. The most populous part of the country has claimed 40% of its deaths from the virus in California.

The Mayor of the state has many extended restrictions that he has closed negotiations or reduced his capacity, and the people are being called to take the most possible steps to prevent the spread of the virus.

Law enforcement agencies are patrolling the calls to prevent massive New Year celebrations that could kill the coronavirus.

Mientras tanto, California’s environment in the second state of the country to report a case of a new variant to appear more contagious virus that was initially confirmed in Great Britain.

The patient, who has been recovering since December 27, is a 30-year-old San Diego resident who has no travel history, which could indicate that another person left the variant on the stage, said the authorities.
