California pro-Trump rally photo passed as DC protest

McKenzie Sadeghi



The claim: Beeld shows how a caravan of Trump supporters travels to DC

A viral image circulating on Facebook indicates that dozens of vehicles are heading to Washington, DC, to protest election results.

“Caravans from across the Nation traveled to DC on January 6 … 10 million people are expected …” reads a January 3 Facebook post with more than 2,000 shares. Coupled with the text is a photo of vehicles waving Trump and American flags.

“These great patriots are on their way to DC on January 6 to support our President Trump,” one user wrote on January 2 with the image.

USA TODAY directed users for comments.

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The image is of the Trump rally in October

A reverse Google image search reveals // that the photo claiming cars are on their way to Washington is actually a truck rally in support of President Donald Trump that took place in San Francisco in October.

The photo was captured by Matt Boone of KCBS Radio in San Francisco and appears in an article published on October 24.

The parking lot of a local mall was filled with U.S. flags, Trump flags and a few Confederate flags, KCBS reported. Organizers estimated that 2,000 to 3,000 vehicles turned up in the Bay for the protest.

The event was the group’s second Tri-Valley Trump truck rally in the Bay Area. A similar protest was held at the end of September with large turnout, according to Patch.

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In Washington, thousands of Trump supporters are expected to protest on January 6 as Congress formally declares Joe Biden president-elect, the U.S. reported TODAY. The National Park Service confirmed that three protests had been awarded, which would allow 15,000 protesters.

There are no reports or photos of trucks during the protests that took place in Washington.

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Our rating: false

The image that claims that a caravan of Trump supporters showed protests in Washington on January 6 is FALSE, based on our research. The photo shows a pro-Trump truck march from October in San Francisco.

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