California Indignation: Employees of marijuana sales centers have priority to receive the vacancy for masters

(Franco Fafasuli)
(Franco Fafasuli)

Health workers have always had the priority of receiving the vaccine against COVID 19 in the United States. This is the federal recommendation that will follow the 50 states. But now there is no state included in this category of working women in the medical marijuana industry. So also fue lo que hizo California.

Exist salvages. The status quo is the determination, however it is not necessary to say that all the conditions are obligatory to act. Tienen has the right to implement more restrictive means, but not the most flexible, that the administration of Gavin Newsom.

In concrete terms, an employee of a medical cannabis sales center in California is considered in terms of the current vaccine as a physician or nurse working in a hospital. It implies that it encounters the works of the industries of agriculture and the sale of food, production, storage and transportation, as well as the cymbals of the mayors of 65 years. All of them form part of category 1B.

The main controversy has been with the union of masters. California has a total of a total of the presensials. Joe Biden’s new governor has rated the topic as a priority, and Newsom has announced a plan to materialize. Pero the union of masters has had objections alleging preoccupation with the health of his workers. Neither the federal governor nor the state included the masters in the list of priorities for receiving vacancies, including the advertisement of trade union leaflets.

The Governor of California, Gavin Newsom.  Photo: Sandy Huffaker / Pool via REUTERS.
The Governor of California, Gavin Newsom. Photo: Sandy Huffaker / Pool via REUTERS.

“Every student, educator or father in the United States has spent 10 months in the state of the COVID 19 pandemic and this is what our schools and our communities are up to. Geen hooi herinner na para la educación in persona, para la conexión entre los students and educators“, Becky Pringle, president of the National Association of Educators, stated.

California is becoming a persona fueron cancelledas en marzo de 2020, and there are intonces that consist of the system of virtual education que no ha funcionado para todos los alumnos. More about the problems that have been generated for the alumni, It also has economic consequences close to the school that the unions are denouncing.

“The mayor has some problems with workers. Tienen que elegir entre hacer bien su trabajo o atender a sus hijos. The educators we want to take to the halls, but must not risk their salvation for what is a reality”, Indicaba Pringle, who is indignant at the prioritization of employees in the cannabis industry by the masters.

California is the state with the mayor, number of contagios and deaths due to COVID 19 in United States. Only 10,462 new cases were reported alone, with a total of 3.44 million infected. A total of 530 new bankruptcies will be added in 24 hours, for a total of 45 million deaths since the start of the pandemic.

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