¿Calamidad? Anomaly? 2020 was a year of tequila like no other

When the sun sets on the table of 2020, it will be difficult to consider the numbers as some less disastrous.

After five consecutive years of intrusions in North America that raised $ 11 million, it is hoped that a minimum of 40 years will already be spent of $ 2.3 million. This is an 80% menu you should see as the Comscore firm.

At the global level, however, markets that have been able to recover more fully, the ballot sales are likely to end between $ 11 million and $ 12 million. El año pasado, this total amount of $ 42.5 million thousand million. But, by far, 2020 is another year with a big asterisk.

“I’m like no other,” said Jim Orr, president of Universal Pictures’ distribution of theatrical national. “We have never seen this small business in this industry”.

In February and February, it is impossible to judge the table of the year following the standards of prepandemics. The table, in conjunction, is quite predictable and a normal year. But when the Chinese came on March 20, “everything was going well”, said Paul Dergarabedian, senior media analyst at Comscore. “Improvisability is constant conversion”.

The Mayor of the North American Chinese has no abridgment during its six months during the period of Verano, which generally represents around 40% of the year’s gains. During the last two years, the vernacular has increased by more than 4,300 million dollars. This year it raised 176.5 million dollars, part of the high-end car rental cars.

“The car converts to the hero of the city”, Dijo Dergarabedian.

When the Chinese interiors empezaron to reach the finals of August and the principles of September, it has a limited capacity and a limited product. Currently, 35% of theaters are already open in the EE. UU. And some of the largest markets, including New York and Los Angeles, are permanently closed.

Although it has a constant flow of new launches, the big exciting tequilas are both small and spacious. Some will have transmission services, others will be converted into premium digital equipment, but the Mayor will simply return in 2021 and beyond.

Quizas does not have one more revelator than the one that 2020 will be the first time in more than one decade of a Marvel movie. The Walt Disney Co. Superhero Factory During the last two years, it covers the end-of-year lists featuring “Avengers: Endgame” and “Black Panther”, and regularly has ten more episodes between the first ten.

As it is to be hoped, the top 10 of 2020 is a bit chaotic and consists mainly of movies of the first two months of this year. Sony’s Will Smith’s sequel, ‘Bad Boys for Life’, has been released in North America since its $ 206.3 million launch in January. At the global level, the second place lies after the Chinese movie “The Occupiers”, the first time that the most important movie of the world originated in Hollywood.

The posterior favorite movies to date that read the top 10 son “Christet Nolan” tenet, in the octave lie with $ 57.2 million and the animated sequel familiar “The Croods: A New Age”, which is trained in Acción de Gracias and has raised $ 30.8 million just for the time being.

And there are at least 15 episodes between the 100 main retro launches, including “Hocus Pocus”, “The Contracting Empire” and “La pesadilla antes de Navidad”.

“The positive thing about movie theaters is that even though the people have unlimited options at home, the people follow the movie theater,” said Dergarabedian. “La gente tien el desese de salir de casa y divertirse. It’s not changed, but the capacity to do so is very limited “.

This includes the form in which the ends of the week are stretched, a time that is a reliable indicator of the perspectives in a large space of a pelica, and can be permanently fixed for a while.

“Is the instant gratification that solemnists offer the domineering by the manana when it comes to opening a fire? Probably a factor as to why they’re doing so poorly, “said Orr.

The theaters adopted major security protocols and experimented with different forms to ensure that the people wanted to stay, including the private theaters alike, for the duration of the car and the winter stay would be limited.

“People go to the movies to escape. If you are in a room where you have teenagers who use a mask and teenagers who look separate and have teenagers who are very conscientious about your entourage, then it is not as if they thrive on theatrical experience “, said John Sloss, director of the firm of Cinetic media assessment. “To judge this year in terms of theater assistance, I believe that there is a favorable favor and that it is actually happening”.

Going to China in 2020 is the history of an industry that employs 150,000 people who are struggling to maintain a fleet that has regained normalcy, all of which we hope will be included if we are in a future future. The owners of small rooms sell a small package of aid for the pandemic.

But the effects on the companies have been embarrassing and can take a while before the total impact is known, although it has had some historic failures and compromises. Some innovations are well received, as is the historic agreement of Universal with various exhibitors to accommodate the theatrical sale of 90 days to only 17 days in some cases. Others, like Warner Bros. ‘decision to launch all of its 2021 episodes on HBO Max and in the Chinese simultaneously, no ha ha.

There is no secret that the transmission services, it is by subscription or request, a large vacation for the fans of the cinema that is looking for new content. If the options in the hogar continue to compete with the Chinese for the oats and the money of the consumers, then it is clear that there is a grace wave for the Chinese. In general, the studios do not abandon the theatrical model, including some priorities for transmission.

“I believe there is a brilliant light at the tunnel finale,” said Orr. “While the vacancies continue to develop, it is 100% agreed that the people will be corrected by the dogs when they are able to reach their area. The model will not appear ”.

Disney CEO Bob Chapek signaled in the company’s recent investment day that it raised $ 13 million in 2019.

“Eso no es algo sencillo”, dijo Chapek.

El fin de semana pasado, “Wonder Woman 1984”, which is available for shipping from HBO Max de forma gratuita, also received $ 16.7 million and 2,100 North American cines. This number is hidden from the past. About the pandemic? It’s a record.
