Carmen Villalobos is one of the most famous Colombian actresses of the last years to be protagonized by a song “Sin senos no hay parisíso”, “Sin senos sí hay paraíso” and “El finale del pariíso”. At the end of Gustavo Bolívar’s story, the Colombian wanted to pose with a character distinct from ‘Catalina Santana’ and was allowed to be summoned to be the antagonist of the new version of the telenovela “Café with aroma of women”.
MORE INFORMATION: Trailer of “Café with aroma of women” with William Levy, Laura Londoño and Carmen Villalobos
In principle, it is thought that Villalobos the series’ protagonist of the remake, but he was surprised to announce that the series was the malaise of the story and was hidden in the pockets of ‘Lucia’, the woman who had the impossible life of the characters of William Levy y Laura Londoño.
November new year begins to dig in Colombia the new version of Coffee with aroma of women and that will be trained in Telemundo’s slippers on Tuesday 25 May at 22:00, Hora del Este. Mira las primeras imagenes de Carmen Villalobos in action as the antagonist of this desperate melodrama.
MORE INFORMATION: ‘Café with aroma of women ”: Lucía, the character of Carmen Villalobos in the remake
Since he was summoned to appear on the cover of the telenovela, Carmen Villalobos was very emotional and in various interviews he said that he had a lot of fun developing the character of ‘Lucia’.
“Lucía Sanclemente is a woman with class, elegant, determined, aparate sure of her mother. Many times you can be gentle, patient, understanding, but other aunts are manipulators, sagas and obsessive ”, accounted for the actress in an interview with People in Spanish.
Lucía, her character, has the terror of abandonment because she has been cheating incessantly to keep Sebastián’s love “Ya que is the love of his life and the perfect person to have his family with whom he has always cared for”.
Carmen Villalobos also accounted for the large chemical that increased with William Levy y que fue divertido hacerlo sufrir en la fiction.
‘William is a bear [buena gente], always has the best energy and sense of humor. All the time we are standing and taking the moment ”, Villalobos shared about Levy, with whom he had the opportunity to work 3 years back in a movie.
Despite the majority of history circulating in Colombia, which is the protagonist of Telemundo’s exit telenovela Sonde senos sí hooi paraíso this week there will be several new melodrama scenes in the company of various actors of the single.
Carmen Villalobos there is no time when the public at the end can start to enjoy Lucia, a character that she has dedicated to all his time and talent and that, without hesitation, will mark an ant and a despot in his career.
The new version of “Coffee with aroma of women“I do not have a train ticket or the schedule that will be occupied in Telemundo. But it is hoped that at some point in this 2021.