‘Café with aroma of women’: a telenovela with kisses and romance in the middle of the pandemic

Chinchiná, Colombia.

Decades of campesinos con mascarilla permanemen immovable bay the sun of the media in a cafe of the center of Colombia.

De repente, una voz exclama: “¡Fuera tapabocas, vamos a grabar! “. Las telenovelas herleef en uno de los mayores referentes de esta industria en Latin America, luego de la paralysis due to the pandemic.

Coffee with aroma of women, an adaptation of the celebrity telenovela written in the new years by the Colombian Fernando Gaitán, is located in the municipality of Chinchiná, Caldas, in the center-east of the country.

Loose pebbles se produces con asepsis, covid-19 tests, restrictions on aphorisms, mascarillas, anti-fluid trajectories, adjusted for the crisis and a permanent, very high risk romance which characterizes its histories.

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In May, when the country arrives the second month of a confinement that paralyzes them rodajes, is this lejano parish.

“When we really can grab it because we have everything, because we have a vacancy”, dijo at the moment to the AFP Guillermo Restrepo, chair of the RCN channel presidency, will broadcast this telenovela.

But in September, the imposition restrictions imposed by the government on March 25 and the producers will begin a gradual progression to the studies in the strictly restricted protocols. Colombia currently has 1.5 million covid-19 cases, with more than 42,000 dead.

– Golpe subito –

“We are going to start digging in April, or just ten days before that (…) we will be keeping track of our months”, recalls Yalile Giordanelli, executive producer of “Café“.

Follow the National Association of Communication Media the order ordered by the governor to the finals of March obliged to RCN is your competitor Karakol a deterrent 38 productions.

Lots of the 270 employees of Coffee with aroma of women institute in a set of grab when cayó the notice.

“We hope that we will recover everything, that we will move to the house, but at this moment it is provisional (…) When the time is running, a little desolation will take place,” recalls Adriana Ortiz, makeup designer.

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According to Ortiz, the channel mantuvo its contract during the months of inactivity, albeit with a reduced salary. “Tocó apretarse un poco el cinturón”, will record this makeup artist for 54 years.

Various of his colleagues do not write with the same theme.

According to the National Administration Department of Statistics, the arts and maintenance sector of the most affected by the pandemic: a total of 203,000 jobs will be destroyed between October 2019 and the month of 2020.

– Proof of trust –

Audiovisual productions range from social distance.

Make-up artists, dressmakers and actors depend on the physical search to make their work and teachers concentrate on the set to illuminate and grab every second.

Of the other lads of the chamber, Laura Londoño and William Levy, los protagonists of “Café”, converse without mascara to pocos to centimeters of distance, anticipating the romance that unites his characters Paloma and Sebastián.

“If we astronauts can tendriamos other distances for some actors, we work with the voice, with the body”, comments Katherine Vélez, who interprets Carmenza, the mother of Paloma.

Ante the impossibility of the distance, however the team is sometimes the lunes to a PCR test.

Although the mayor will take the time to grab the telenovela, el rodaje no es una burbuja: todos pueden salir en su días libre para ver a sus familias.

According to Giordanelli, the ordinary test has claimed “enormous costs”, but it is necessary: ​​a contagion could oblige to aislar a alguno de los actors and retrieve all the production, a price from the mayor.

Mauricio Cruz, director of the telenovela, considers vital the realization of rehearsals for the actors to be comfortable in close contact scenes.

“Ayer to make a promotions hubo stage of beso pero (…) the exam habia sido anteayer entonces (…) estábamos muy seguros”, dobbeltsteen Cruz.

The actress Vélez knows that it is impossible blind el rodaje versus el virus, but make sure that at the moment of being in front of the camera “everything is (is) without tapas, I believe that the production has control over the situation in the possible”.

– Reality and fiction –

The welding industry telenovelas play his surveillance in a slight contradiction.

“How the people are locked up in the house for more television (…) but on the other hand, we say that the industry in general, the companies (…), should start investing in publicity “due to the economic crisis,” explains producer Giordanelli.

It has significantly reduced production costs, which are in addition to logistical guests multiplied by the pandemic.

Pero the virus in only trastocial ingresses and chronograms, also colo in the fiction.

The librarians of “Café“tuvieron que reescribir las stages de fiestas y grandes social events para acomodarlas a pequeñas reunions familyes.

The new version is, in words by its producer, “a story much more intimate, intimate”, a reflection of the difficult cohort in which it is grabbed.
