Cae Gersom Muñoz, aka ‘El Duke’, supuesto narco pedido from Estados Unidos


Guatemala’s Antarctic Captivators Capture This Fire on a Presence drug addict Claimed in addition to United States, signaling cocaine trafficking in this country between 2015 and 2016, the Fiscalia informs.

The drug addict, identified as Gersom Muñoz Cifuentes, alias “Duke“o” Duko “, was detained in the municipality of La Esperanza, in the east of the Central American country, dijo a periodistas Juan Luis Pantaleón, vocero del Ministerio Público (Fiscalía).

Muñoz is “required to compare juices” in a court of this state of Texas (sur) by delinquents related to cocaine shipments, including the employee.

“The investigation identified in Muñoz (…) as a member of an organization dedicated to drug trachea, since the month of 2015 until the month of September 2016 “, added.

The detainee is the new drug trafficker caught in Guatemala with extradition of the state justice in the first two months of this year.

Agreed with the authorities, large international cartels, with the help of local drug traffickers, using Guatemala and to the rest of Central America for drug transportation and money laundering, activities that incite in criminal crime azota to the region.
