Cadillac’s upcoming Celestiq flagship EV has a sleek, color-changing roof

“SPD technology is smart glass that allows you to change the hue of the glass,” Harary explained. ‘There’s this movie we invented, with small nanoparticles in it, that you can control with a small electrical voltage. So, basically this movie … with which you can choose the hue level you want. ‘

“The crystals are about three to five tenths of a micron long, and they act as induced dipoles, so if you apply an electric field to conductive coatings in the film,” Harary continues, “the particles will line up. be and let the light pass by. If you then remove the tension, their natural tendency is to be in a dark state due to Brownian motion and this causes the glass to stain. ”

As the tint partially blocks incoming photons, it also reduces the amount of glare the driver experiences and the heat trapped in the vehicle – more than 99.5 percent of the light and 95 percent of the heat, according to a press release from the company in January. The claim is that it enables vehicle occupants to stay comfortable longer without turning on the A / C, as well as keeping the interior up to 18 degrees (F) cooler, Harary said.

‘You make the car safer by lowering the center of gravity and reducing the weight in the roof; you use your air conditioning less, ”Harary said, adding that” Continental Automotive has calculated that you can save four grams per kilometer of CO2 emissions “by using this technology. In places like the European Union, where drivers are taxed based on the amount of CO2 their vehicles emit per driving distance, cutting four grams per kilometer can lead to a significant saving on operating expenses – on average around € 380 (~ $ 410 ) per year.

What’s more, these weight and energy savings need to be translated into longer driving ranges for EVs, as the batteries are not used to power the A / C or gain unnecessary extra weight. Safety and acoustic damping effects are also enhanced – at least compared to a conventional convertible top – because you drive under a laminate glass rather than an aluminum roof frame and a heavy canvas.

We will of course see this technology in the Celestiq as soon as it arrives in retail showrooms in 2023. The Celestiq, which is under the banner of Caddy’s new flagship EV, is expected to sell a handmade sample of a sedan for $ 200,000 and more, not exactly what most people will find affordable, especially in this economy. However, Harary remains confident that over time, consumers will not only start seeing it on more affordable car models, but also in billboards, advertising campaigns and even modern architecture, as the technology spreads.
