By what tenochtitlan sucumbió ante Hernán Cortés and his allies: the five causes of the cascade of the mexican empire

There are various myths about Tenochtitlan's toma (Photo: Twitter @ Cuauhtemoc_1521)
There are various myths about Tenochtitlan’s toma (Photo: Twitter @ Cuauhtemoc_1521)

In the market of the quinto centenary of the tenochtitlan chain, the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH) and the University of Mexico Autonomous University (UNAM) is organizing a seminar to reflect on this transcendental approach.

During the virtual form celebrity event, investigators, historians and expert writers on the topic hicieron points about the context that envelops this historical height. In continuation, some interesting facts about the causes of the Mexican Empire are discussed.

The incomprehensible behavior of Moctezuma Xocoyotzin

This item is known as
This property is known as “El penacho de Moctezuma”, without embarrassment is not approved that belongs to the Mexican nation (Photo: Joe Klamar / AFP)

María Castañeda de la Paz, investigator of the UNAM Institute of Anthropological Investigations, explained that, starting in 1428, Mexican senators commented on establish a structure based on conspiracy with the nobility of Culhuacán, in the end to legitimize his tolteca ascension, “the one who has an incestable and absolute power over them tlatoanis tenochcas ”.

With the support of Hernán Cortés, Moctezuma Xocoyotzin, sober from Tenochtitlan, ten different members of his real house installed in other scenarios. Although Moctezuma II started acting in an “incomprehensible” way for the rest of his parents, nadie the question of respect to his investor.

“When the governor said he had an erratic behavior, he wanted to tell his parents that he was unruly. It provokes the rebellion of some of them against it, which is already impenetrable, and its events are precisely when it has access to convict with Courts and the Spanish conquistadors in the palaces of Axayacatl, and the agreement that — is dice— hizo of his empire in the kingdom of Spain and the satisfaction of the rest of the nobles the reindeer tribute and vassal ”, manifested the specialist.

Grills in the pies, his passivity before the matanza of the celebration of Tóxcatl and his intervention in the terrace

Model of the recent ceremony of the tenochtitlan city (Photo: Reuters / Henry Romero)
Model of the recent ceremony of the tenochtitlan city (Photo: Reuters / Henry Romero)

The UNAM investigator considered that there were three other decisive events during the Mexican Empire. Asi pues, ajos de sus parientes, la Moctezuma II Public Exhibition with Grills in the Pies and his apprentice pass ante the matanza of the feast of Toxcatl, enacted by Pedro de Alvarado in the Temple, sums up the successes that will determine the destiny of any civilization.

Finally, Castañeda de la Paz signaled as the ultimate factor, the disposition of the Mexican sober to subdue the terrace of his palace, in courtesy of Cortés, to apaciguar a su pueblo.

It is a pretext for the indigenous nobility and the sequel that it rode, and the most obvious expression of that rebellion is, according to the historical facts, the addition that God made to the people, and one of the most powerful ones. death on the plateau, pocos días después

The pay tribute to the Tripe Alliance

Agreed with the archaeologist Eduardo Matos Moctezuma, one of the main economic and political factors which included the distinct distances to summon the branches of the Spanish advance, in the center of the Valley of Mexico, fue el pay tribute to the Triple Alliance, conformed to Tenochtitlan, Texcoco and Tacuba.

Tal fue el caso de los tlaxcaltecas, que serian parte del ejército de elite que, en los aosos suquoses a la conquista de Tenochtitlan, marcharían hacia el septentrión de la Nueva España

Hernán Cortés does not know his names, the military engineer of the Spanish court

Malinche has been described by historians as other personifications of
La Malinche has been described by historians as other personifications of “La Llorona” (Image: Pinterest)

Eduardo Matos reconciles the military genius of Hernán Cortés, who reads “keep his naves” to avoid the desertion of the suyos, as the legend ends, the envelope at the expense of Veracruz since the series of utilities. And as a suede, his bastions will serve to build the bergantines with that asediarían to the island.

The site of Tenochtitlan

The archaeologist points out that the band of invaders is available to control the accesses to the slopes that connect Tenochtitlan with the company.

Three months ago, the Mexican police force was reduced to four, with the help of its Spanish counterpart.

On August 13, 1521, the war was concluded in the Gematu Gemela of Tlatelolco, giving its senator Cuauhtémoc, directing to Cortés, pronounced: “Senor Malinche, he is right that I am obliged to defend my city and I can do no more, because I am guilty of having sex with him.”, finalized the investigator.


Ni Santa Anna sold the city of Mexico to the Malinche through a tradition: five myths of history
The treasures of Mexico in the era of Maximiliano: from Penacho of Moctezuma to a lush carriage
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