By what EE.UU. está allí y qué pasará cuando se vaya?

(CNN) – President Joe Biden’s promise to retire Afghanistan’s effective military officials before September 11 is in his favor – one of the last four presidents has had some – to end the United States’ largest war.

The limit for Biden’s withdrawal is significant: September 11, 2021, will be 20 years after the September 11 terrorist attacks in New York, Washington and Pennsylvania that will take the United States to Afghanistan in the first place.

These two decades have seen more than 2,300 lost military estates lost, dozens of miles of estates, countless Afghan hills and more than 2 trillion dollars of host contributions.

After all, the last state soldiers to leave, some of them safely killed after the attacks of September 11, dejarán parts of Afghanistan under control of the same Taliban oppressive leaders that were established in 2001.

Here is a brief note of intention to put in perspective these 20 years of war.

The political cost of withdrawing EE.UU tropes. of Afghanistan 2:08

¿De donde salieron los talibanes?

The Soviets occupied Afghanistan during the 1980s decade and finally withdrew the resistance of the combatants, collectively known as the Muyahidines. Between them is Osama bin Laden. United States canalize arms and help these anti-Soviet forces. But in the post-Soviet power vacuum, the Taliban form the leadership of the mullah Mohammed Omar, who wants to create an Islamic society, expels the foreign influences like television and music and impresses with a particular version of the Icelandic language. with the women. In 2001, control took place across the country.

Why did the United States invade Afghanistan first?

Fue al Qaeda, the international terrorist network, in the Afghan Taliban, a political and military Islamic regional force, which attacked the United States on 11 September.

But the intellectual perpetrators of the attack, including Osama bin Laden, were already operating under the cover of the Taliban, who refused to allow Bin Laden to carry out the attack.

¿Hubo apoyo bipartidista para invadir Afganistán en 2001?

El apoyo fue casi unánime. The Military Service initiated a “authorization for military force” resolution approved by a week later on 11 September. Solo una legislladora, the representative of Barbara Lee de California,’s opinion. This resolution is used primarily to authorize actions in Afghanistan, but since then the presidents have supported it to act in at least 37 different countries, following the Congressional Investigation Service.

EE.UU. start retreating to Afghanistan’s tropics from Mayo 22:23

What did President George W. Bush say when the United States invaded Afghanistan?

The invasion, led by the staunchest forces with the help of the OTAN allies, is marked specifically as a step in a war against terrorism.

“These actions are being taken immediately and are being designed to disrupt the use of Afghanistan as a base of terrorist operations and attack the military capability of the Taliban regime,” he said, adding that the number of operations was “Libertad duradun a,” war warrior.

“Since the 11th of September, a generation of young ladies has demanded a new compensation for the value of freedom and cost and suffering and sacrifice,” he said later.

Since then, a new generation of stadiums has taken place and launched the oath of office while the war that begins this day continues, a second plan with the attention of the majority of the public.

How many soldiers have been in Afghanistan for the last 20 years?

The number has fluctuated. President Barack Obama has used the cargo promising to focus on the Iraqi armed forces, while Bush has also invaded. On occasion, during the administration of Obama, there will be an increase of 100,000 state soldiers in Afghanistan. Obama’s intention was to launch a state-of-the-art combat operation in Afghanistan in 2014, but he had more troops in the country than he planned. His successor, Donald Trump, sent new effective state alliances to anti-reductionists in the Middle East and established peace talks with the Taliban.

How many foreign soldiers will be killed this year in Afghanistan?

The most deadly years have passed since Obama’s effective increase in 2009. It’s the most deadly to EE.UU. as for its allies of the OTAN fue 2010. Has many fewer deaths since the finalization of the main operations of EE.UU combat. y la OTAN of 2014.

MIRA: ¿What consequences tend to retreat the tropes of EE.UU. of Afghanistan?

What is the transformation of an attempt to attack Al Qaeda?

In fines of 2001, bin Laden was transported to parts of Afghanistan and crossed into Pakistan, during which he was killed during a decade before the special forces of the Armada (Navy SEAL) took part in May 2011.

How is Afghanistan controlled by the Taliban?

CNN’s Nick Paton Walsh visited Afghanistan’s areas controlled by the Taliban and carried out the killing of British and British citizens. He and his CNN team will find women who will not be on the podium.

Paton Walsh writes in: If well Kabul and the center of the majority of the cities are permanently mayoral under the control of the government, vast franchises in rural Afghanistan are governed by the rebel and various units of the Taliban. For more than five years in Musa Qala, he has been questioning whether the rules are in regular conflict with Afghan security forces in the southern province of Helmand.

“At the end of the day, the Taliban have the power,” said one resident. “In fact, it is not possible to go against it voluntarily.”

What exactly is the United States of America to do in Afghanistan?

The objective declared for the participation of the United States is not to release the women reprimanded by the Taliban or accede to this regime. Hecho, United States has been involved in peace talks between the Taliban and the Afghan government for years.

The simplest explanation of the objective of the United States in Afghanistan is to avoid turning into a smuggler of terrorist groups such as Al Qaeda. When the United States launches Iraq, for example, the power vacuum can be used to conduct ISIS allied operations.

But the United States has agreed to log in Afghanistan, and the strategy to do so has changed with each president.

This lack of objective is manifested in an internal study of the government, The Afghanistan Papers, from 2015 which was discovered and published by The Washington Post af 2019. Sugiere que los lideres gubernamentales han engañado durante muchi tiempo a los estadounidenses sobre lo se podia lograr en Afganistán.

In interviews with adorners that no one thinks are public, the military leaders of the state will give to the spectators of the government that the United States has not prepared for Afghanistan and that the people of the state do not know the “magnitude of the dysfunction”.

Will there be any military deployments in Afghanistan since September 11, 2021?

Many people in the United States are involved in this process and are concentrating on helping diplomatic diplomats. An exact number is not clear. It is not at all clear, for example, that papel, if the hubiera, desempenarian the soldiers of special operations in Afghanistan.

What are the conditions in Afghanistan between now and September?

It is said that Biden’s decision is final and not “based on conditions”. This is going to happen.

What is Biden’s reaction to Biden’s decision?

Hi bipartisan opposition.

“Apparently, we’re helping our adversaries celebrate the anniversary of the September 11 attacks involving regal and devastating papal paws,” said Senate Leader Mitch McConnell in Senate Plenary.

Senator Jeanne Shaheen, a Democrat in New Hampshire, said in a statement on Biden’s plans that he had issued a statement: “Our compromise with the Afghan people, and in particular with Afghan women”.

LEE: ANALYSIS | The United States of America has filed a lawsuit to sue Biden

Who supports Biden’s decision?

I support, in particular, progressives and democrats.

“I believe that President Biden has developed a careful and thoughtful plan,” said Senate Mayor Chuck Schumer and John Berman on CNN’s “New Day” program. “Mira, John, the president has no wars left. Yo no quiero guerras sin fin. Y tampoco el pueblo estadounidense ».

“After three years, the military leaders have taken part in the Congress and the People’s Republic of China, which are finally giving up the flight to Afghanistan, but only in the final stages of entering a vicious circle,” said Massachusetts senator.

También is also in line with Trump’s goal of retiring from Afghanistan, although the president has not intervened.

What do you think will happen to the United States and OTAN forces?

If the United States continues to negotiate a peace agreement between the Afghan government and the Taliban, September will be the time limit for de facto talks. Biden is now a member of the military commanders who say that the Taliban are invading the Afghan government once and for all, that they have the power to destroy the state. An evaluation of the United States Intelligence Community published on March compares its preoccupations.

“It is probable that the Taliban will advance in the battlefield, and the Afghan governor will lurch to help the Taliban and the coalition return to their support,” according to the official evaluation of world affairs.

Why did Biden decide to withdraw the remaining 2,500 effective stadium loans?

Biden dijo in his discourse of mercoles that no amount of stadium strengths about the terrain can disuadir to the Taliban or end the war.

«No era when ten thousand 98,000 soldiers are stationed on the ground, and there will be no maintenance [a los actuales] 2,500 soldiers on the ground … We do not believe that we change the rules of the game », is one of the leading Christiane Amanpour of CNN.

The United States will continue to use diplomatic and monetary support. What is clear is that if these herramentas are obtained results of dozens of military fortresses will not be obtained without powder.
