Buzo encuentra avión de la II Guerra Mundial al fondo del mar: VIDEO

Mexico City /

A buzz is emerging in deep water basins near the coast of Croatia and logos capturing impactful images of a plane taken by the Second World War. The Martin Martin Strmiska travels to the island of Vis with the hope of meeting the famous bomber B-17, apodado ‘La Fortaleza Voladora’.

Although there is no such thing as an adventurous adventure, the male of 40 years old. The B-17 is a bombed-out assault vehicle used during the Second World War. The aircraft was designed by the Boeing Aircraft company in response to a specification of the Air Force Corps of 1934 that pedia a bomber with four engines, in an era in which engine engines are the norm.

The plane made its last flight in November 1944 dest destina a Vienna, antes de sufrir demasiados daños y tener que aterrizar de emergencia en el mar Adriático, a unos 50 kilometers from the Croatian coast. The evacuation trip in inflatable bales.

The remains of the B-17 in the marino lake of the Adriatic Sea one of the remnants of aviation of the Second World War better preserved debit to the depth of more than 60 metros, algo sin sin duda defaulta su para los buzos.

The images of Martin Strmiska show a plane as long as the water the invoice is corrupt, even though its point is aplastada, the pilot’s cabin is visible and the cabs are completely destroyed.

The lines of the plane he started to hundirse, by which the remaining times before disintegration are exactly the same as before. Its engines and helium are covered with dead and crushed algae.

