Buscan new conductor for “Hoy”; there are three candidates | EL IMPARCIAL

CITY OF MEXICO.- With the regression of Raúl Araiza “El Negro” in the telenovelas, there was a free release in the elenco of the program “Hoy”, because it was looking for a new integrator.

Television has three candidates to occupy the stage of the actor as well, and places to be disconnected, his television presenters are looking for the new conductor of the matutino.

Following the program “Everything for Women” by Maxine Woodside, the production of Andrea Rodríguez had a casting that only actor Sol Solo listened to, without the presence of Yordi Rosado, Mauricio Mancera and Ernesto Laguardia.

Given that Juan Soler is working at Imagen y Televisa to see what the program is about, he is currently on TV; af ‘Hoy’, also starring in the casting, Ernesto Laguardia, who was in the mat program and the best regress Mauricio Mancera or Yordi Rosado “, declaration Woodside.

“I was looking for someone to enter, and I first told him that Juan Soler, because he’s playing with Imagen, then who knows”, continued.

The journalist Ana María Alvarado commented that the song was about Ernesto Laguardia as an integral part of the “Hoy” program, but he appeared in it.

“For the conductor, Ernesto, because, Mauricio Mancera, he does very well for the other sector, is more juvenile, we can not compare any of the mentions for the conduct of deadly programs Ernesto Laguardia, although it depends on,” collaborator.

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