Bungie picks up Destiny 2’s Trials of Osiris for the rest of the weekend • Eurogamer.net

It goes from bad to worse from Destiny 2’s difficult Trials of Osiris mode, which was taken offline again.

In a tweet issued today, developer Bungie said Trials of Osiris – Destiny 2’s most hardcore competitive multiplayer mode – was eliminated for the rest of the weekend “due to an issue with the fireteam connection feature”.

And it sounds like Trials might not even return next weekend.

Bungie has had a terrible time with Trials since Destiny 2: Beyond Light was launched in November 2020. It was unavailable on numerous weekends and in late February trials were forced offline after it was suggested that a popular method of fixing matches affected about 50 per cent of players on flawless runs.

However, it would seem that the two weeks free has done little to stop this issue of profit trading. Players used the feature of the fireteam connection again this weekend in an effort to be flawless. Here’s how it works: load into a trial match with a dummy character and decide whether or not you will win easily. If you decide shall pick up an easy win and then switch to the character with your flawless ticket to complete the game and record the win. Rinse and repeat.

“This error is correct,” said senior community manager dmg04 Twitter. “The team is digging deeper. To set expectations, we may not have a complete solution before the Stasis voting level on 23/23, which means trials could also be eliminated next weekend. Once we have more information , let us ‘let you all know.’

Responding to a Twitter user asking why Bungie could not disable the ability to participate in the game again, rather than disabling Trials, dmg04 said it is not possible.

“At the moment we can not rejoin functions specifically for trials. If we did, we would have to deactivate the function around the world, which would have a greater impact on players than the playlist for a few weekends . ‘

Some players from Trials have reacted negatively to this latest setback. Those who were on their way to a flawless run (seven wins without a loss) and its rewards – the kinetic pulse gun Adept The Messenger and a trip to the Lighthouse area – feel particularly resentful.

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Bungie has since confirm the lighthouse will soon be reactivated for those who have access with a flawless card. Players can also use any earnings tests to Saint-14 through the weekly recovery. And finally, Bungie said he will ensure rewards are not missed this season due to the delays.

The frustration over the state of Osiris Trials has been increasing for some time. Players have long complained about fraud, teamwork, poor match measures and the sheer amount of effort required to maximize the best rewards.

Bungie is now facing calls from the Destiny community to cancel the trials for the rest of the season to iron out the issues.
