Bumble will ban users for possible dates for body shame

The dating app Bumble puts the kibosh on body shaming.

The company announced Wednesday that the app will expel members caught using a language that could be considered fat-phobic, competent, racist, coloristic, homophobic or transphobic.

The new restrictions apply to direct messages from users, as well as those with profiles that openly discriminate against different body types.

“Body shaming is not acceptable on or off the Bumble app,” reads a statement from Bumble. “For those who may not know, body shaming means imposing your opinion on a ‘good body’ on others.”

An algorithm has been set up to flag words and phrases related to ‘body shaming’, which is rated by a live moderator according to the Guardian. Alerts will then be sent to users during the first offense – along with sensitive training materials – before being completely banned.

The company in Austin, Texas, wants to promote a friendlier, more respectful and equal space on the Internet, ‘said Naomi Walkland, who manages Bumble’s overseas marketing division. “The key to this has always been our zero-tolerance policy on racist and hate-driven speech, abusive behavior and harassment.”

In a 2016 survey by WooPlus, a dating app for large-sized women, it was found that 71% of the 1000 users who called themselves “crooked” were also boldly shamed by other men with other dating apps. More broadly, in a Pew study from 2020, it was found that 33% of women on an appointment app were called an abusive name by another user.

Supporters of the women-centered Bumble app, which urges women users to ‘take the first step’ – say the move is another reason why they like the company.

“I’m very interested to see how it works, and am also very happy that it’s starting,” tweeted music journalist Courtney E. Smith.

Some ask that other dating apps take note.

‘Maybe @Grindr can follow suit. That app is a bowl of toxicity around the body and race, ‘ said one supporter of the change.
