Bukele teme perder control de CICIES ante visita de Enviado Especial de EE.UU. that a prioriza role of Fiscalía, dicen deputados

Organizations of the Civil Society propose to the Assembly a new initiative of theirs to facilitate the work of the CICIES.

President Nayib Bukele took the floor for the control of the CICIES, by his response to the new project of “Ley Especial para Facilitar el Mandato de la Comisión Internacion contra la Impunidad en El Salvador”, expresaron esta mañana deputados de ARENA y del FMLN.

If the brand is selling that it has the ten, it has to record who has the ten: Luis Almagro (Secretary General of the Organization of American States OEA), that is the Bukele favors, in which ellos (gobierno) fue arma de ataque para la opposition, ne par ellos ”, afirmó el subjefe de fractionón del FMLN, Jorge Schafik Hándal.

Bukele published its report on the normative dash through a press conference convened by various civil society organizations that will plant the Legislative Assembly in February 2021.

VEA: CICIES pushes for Gobierno reforms to step up the fight against corruption

Without embarrassment, the mandate responded on its Twitter account that nothing has been done to validate the current legislature when the new Assembly convenes on May 1st.

“Only the logos of the NGOs that are behind this ‘proposal’ and see the ‘media’ that are being published, will ensure that we can do what we want. Además, ya no insisten, nada de lo que apruebe la Asamblea saliente entrar en vigencia jamás ”, aseveró Bukele.

Some of the organizations that are working on the new ones to facilitate the work of the CICIES are the DTJ, Fepade, and Cristosal Foundation, among others.

José Marinero, representative of the DTJ Foundation, asked President Bukele to question the organizations that designed the proposed bill to supplement what he promised in his presidential campaign.

VEA: CICIES has presented to the Fiscalía three notices for alleged corruption in the public administration

“Reiteramos el lamedo a la madurez ya la coherencia con las promesas el el hacho en el pasade y que haga a un lado los logos de las organisations de son incomodas, y que ojalá pueda ver el contenido de la propuesta”, aseveró Marinero these markets in press conference.

According to Hándal, Bukele’s case states that there are more than 83 notices of corruption cases in the Tax Office of the state funds of institutions governing the pandemic.

There are 83 cases in which pandemic appeals have been made during the pandemic, bargaining negotiations between members of the cabinet or their families for the treatment of drugs and other services that are necessary, and some of them are not being prosecuted. si ha hecho algo con ellos o no ”, explained Hándal.

Bukele’s response to a new standard for investigating corruption cases is currently being investigated by the Special Envoy for the Northern Triangle of EE.UU. Ricardo Zúñiga, his mayor in El Salvador, reunited with the Fiscal General, Raúl Melara, precisely in the seat of the CICIES.

For the subject of the ARENA faction, Julio Fabián, Bukele’s statements are not surprising. Next day, acostumbra to make comments without tener mayor’s message will be edited the proposals.

In order for Fabián to take the initiative to improve and facilitate the work carried out by the CICIES, it must be approved by the Assembly.

“The CICIES shall not be subject to the Executive, notwithstanding the Fiscalia, in order to carry out the investigation and the scientific part and to impose this support on the terms that the Constitution mandates, that the rector must be the Fiscal, The terms are correct and it is possible to implement the reforms as soon as possible, always and when they are not fulfilled, ”Fabián demonstrated.

The initiative presented by the civil organizations was presented in the Assembly, and searched, among other things, to give institutional independence and finance the current CICIES.

The proposed amendment to the Marco Cooperation Agreement signed by the Governor and the General Secretariat of the OEA on 26 November 2019. In addition, soliciting reform of the Criminal Procedure Code to allow the CICIES to participate as a criminal within the criminal proceedings that develop in the country.

Also, look for the CICIES to support the Taxation in the investigation and promotion of criminal prosecution. According to the mocionants, currently the function of the CICIES is very limited, and the executive order and to amplify its ambition of application must be supported by a legislative decree.

Other aspects that are detailed in the proposal of the social organisms are endowed with the CICIES of the Faculty of Disclosure, notices in the Taxation and to be quarrelsome, together with mechanisms of transparency and careful participation.
