Bukele is in control of the Congressional elections in El Salvador

San Salvador.

Tildado de authoritarian and populist by its advertisers but fortified by the biasedthe one who helped create, the president of El Salvador, Nayib Bukele, you can log in control of Parliament y win the municipal mayors in las voters del domingo, y asegurarse el country control.

If the projections of the polls to complete “habría una power concentration In the President of the Republic, it is possible approve, reform or derogar leyes a su convenience “, commented by AFP the director of the Foundation of Studies for the Application of Derecho (Fespad), Saúl Baños.

The New Ideas (NI) party, powered by Bukele, read the preferences for the comics following all the polls. Currently, the Legislature is controlled by the opposition parties Arena (derecha) y la exguerrilla FMLN (izquierda), that the hacen contrapeso.

Can you “inferir” that New Ideas I will follow 55 deputados, one minute that the mayor qualified, said the rector of the Central American University (UCA), Andreu Oliva, to present the February 12 sthe last question about this election.

Record records from the company of the peace of mind af 1992 que terminaron con doce años de civil war, no party has obtained l‘n burgemeestería simple de 43 deputados in the Unicameral Congress of 84 scans, for which to govern prevail the dialogue.

Independence in risk

“Si el escenario election reading auspicious (A Buckle), viene un cambio profundo in constitutional and institutional matters “, Baños advised to refer to the fact that a presidential commission by the Vice-President has passed since then, Felix Ulloa, study one reform of the Constitution.

Geen hindernis nie, Ulloa ha descartado desde ya que en esas reforms pretend to change “petroleum” aspects like the alternation in the presidency.

If the mandate logra the domingo la Mayoría en la Legislative Assembly, según Baños, un “riesgo para el país“, series that the mandate could name as functionaries to people who “do not own their labor independent form “.

Para Baños, los casi ya dos anos de gestión de Bukele is characterized by some “authoritarian actions” for what “concentration of power” can be used to “take small decisions democrats “.

The Domingo, one 5.4 million of salvadoreños deberán elegir al nuevo Congreso,’n 262 alcaldes del país ya una veintena de deputados del Central American Parliament (Parlacen), an institution dedicated to regional integration.

The officials who elect results will assume their mandate of tres años el 1 de mayo.

Respond to the needs

“The best aliado that has the gobierno (de Bukele) this moment is not a political party, is the wrong guy “, commented to AFP political analyst and university professor Dagoberto Gutiérrez.

Conservator and with a management of corte populista, the president has been able to puncture them traditional games y los acusa de no haber hecho nada nie by the pueblo.

Bukele “you are very skillful and intelligent can you respond to them needs of the people, they are giving foods, les ha dado dinero, there are other aids that never let go of them pueblo y ese es su potencial “, hervat Gutiérrez.

By the pandemic covid-19, Bukele from April passed a voucher of $ 300 for families in needif you read alimentos entre los ciudadanos.

Although, if Bukele logra mayor, “it does not mean that the people are given a blank check, no, on the contrary, is obligated to gobierno to complete lo que ha prometido “, consider the analyst.

Between the promises that Bukele debe cumplir, según Gutiérrez, está la de generate employment and buskar una the best of the economy.

Bukele llegó al poder hace casi dos años, y aún le restan three mandates. Pero will be reviewed as part of May 1, when the new parliament convenes, which will start gobernar because, according to Gutiérrez, opposition parties are not allowed to “le han” default all and so they passed invoice “.

Democracy or authoritarianism

The President of the Legislative Assembly, Mario Ponce, who is looking for reelection como deputy, warning that the country alone has two routes: “the road to democracy and freedom and the road to authoritarianism restrict liberties and are atropellan derechos individuals and collectives of all types “.

Sal salvadoreños quieren “living in democracy “ need to renovate a balance of power in the country and historically it has been maintained, it has obliged the goblins to search alliances for governments.

Ponce advised that the governor of Bukele sand is characterized by the “authoritarianism“, for what is considered necessary that” the people of Salga vote and mantenga “the contrapesos of democracy” in the Congress.
