Bukele contrata nuevos lobistas of $ 1.2 million, which is special and the monitoreo de cabildeos

Bukele has a wide range of critical numbers, many of them in Washington and some of the staff of Joe Biden’s administration for his debilitating democratic institutions, his goals in press freedom and the poor transparency of his government.

This is a report by ForeignLobby.com, El Gobierno de Nayib Bukele, a $ 1.2 million contractor for ancillary services with an ex diplomático de alto nivel. This is the report by a reporter who is negotiating with the Salvador International Monetary Fund to obtain $ 1,300 million in funding for the public finances.

According to Foreign Lobby, “this contract has been held by the President for 39 years and has been accumulating influential companies to counter criticism of its governing style and to promote foreign and foreign invasions in Central American countries.”

According to the site, the governor now earns $ 240,000 per month in cable.

Bukele has a blank slate of critical numbers, many of them in Washington and part of the staff of Joe Biden’s administration and party officials at the State Congress. That is, by its debilitating democratic institutions, by its waves of press freedom and by the low transparency of its governing body.

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These topics are advertised, generating incoherent politics, and remaining credible and confident in the country and can increase investment and financial prospects in El Salvador.

Cabildero skoolhoof is a retired diplomatic veteran

Cabildeo’s effort, according to the site, will be led by the state’s veteran diplomat, Tom Shannon. He will be the Secretary of State for the Occidental Hemisphere and will retire from a long career in the Department of State in 2018.

Además: Bukele teme perder control de CICIES ante visita de Enviado Especial de EE.UU. that a prioriza role of Fiscalía, dicen deputados

According to the register of agents representing foreign governors in the Department of Justice, Shannon’s team finds Raúl Herrera, who acts as assessor in the private sector support of the Inter-American Bank of Development.
