Bukele can not disconnect from the Day of the Peace or change legislative decree | El Salvador News

Advocates agree that the President has no legal faculty to pass a legislative decree.

Counselors agree that President Nayib Bukele could not change the nature of the Legislative Decree, which declares the 16th of this year as the National Day of Peace in commemoration of the Paz Accords firm that will end 12 years of conflict armed in the country.

Bukele wrote on Saturday in his Twitter account that “by presidential decree, the 16th of January will be ‘The Day of the Victims of the Armed Conflict’.

“We will remember the women who will be remembered. I will try to build the road. ”, Escribió.

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For the representation by ARENA and advocate, René Portillo Cuadra, the President of the Republic has no legal faculties to be able to change the declaration by legislative decree as national celebration or the nature of the regime.

“Legislative decrees to be able to change have passed by the Legislative Assembly. The President of the Republic does not have legislative faculties to be able to declare or decree a decree with national character, exchange of nature and the meaning or objective for the one who created it, ”said Portillo Cuadra.

The lawyer Marcela Galeas stated that Legislative Decree 139 of 1992 established that 16 of them would be the National Day of the Peace, in commemoration of the firm of the Peace of Peace.

Ensuring that it is not the attribution of the President of the Republic, that national days only can be decreed by the Legislative Assembly.

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Agregó que Bukele “al ver that society condescends its anti-historic position, in that it deals with the armed conflict, and the logarithm of national peace, which is so much our cause to the Salvadorans, quiso mermarlo to decree a national aún sabiendo que no le correspondonde legallye hacerlo ”, dijo Galeas.

Portillo Cuadra señaló que Bukele, en su afán por desnaturalizar democracia y los Accuerdos de Paz, “quiere redireccionar la celebración hacia las vítimas. It is clear that when the company of the Accuerdos de Paz celebrates, it also includes the record of the victims that murmur and the destruction that hubo ”.

Attorney Humberto Sáenz wrote on his Twitter account: “Nee, presidente. This day we will remember the Peace Accords. We are not the ones who tell us what we are going to celebrate, not what we are going to call ”.

Patrick Murray wrote on Twitter that “the 16th of January will be the Day of the Accords of Paz, while the city will be, as it is called lamentation and recording”.
