Buckingham’s version of the Queen Isabel II’s sublime pressures to conceal his private fortune: “There was a parliamentary procedure”

A recent investigation by the Guardian periodically revealed that at the end of the 70's Queen Isabel II was imprisoned by the British governing body, with the exception that she was planning a project with her at the end of her private marriage (EFE)
A recent investigation by the Guardian periodically revealed that at the end of the 70’s Queen Isabel II was imprisoned by the British governing body, with the exception that she was planning a project with her at the end of her private marriage (EFE)

The Buckingham Palace, the official residence of the British real family, has denied that Queen Isabel de Inglaterra has tried to pressure Gobierno, in recent years to avoid revealing details of her personal fortune.

The “The Guardian” periodical has recently suggested that the sovereign’s personal advocates consecrate with a view to preserving Conservative Edward Heath’s Executive to modify a project to allow them to obscure the richness of their heritage.

These revelations form part of an extensive investigation into the capacity for “consent” that the State of the Nation has in parliamentary matters that are being debated on issues that may affect the interests of the British Crown. This process is distinguished from the so-called “real sanction” (ratification), which was applied when Isabel II made his formal visit to a court approved by the British Parliament.

Based on the investigation, the periodical indicates that the reindeer or the principle of Carlos, heiress of the British crown, han tenido access to more than a dozen drill bits before they are presented to the deputies for their approval. Specifically, the government documents in question were found in the National Archives and were closed in 1973.

These texts, according to the press, that Isabel II, is concerned that a new law firm should reveal its private interests in companies, send them to advocates to argue in this case the Ministry of Commerce.

“The Guardian” suggests that access to the Reina on the road, in view of its “consent” power, will influence the final redaction of the road to its sale.

The British Queen Isabel II and his wife, the Duke of Edimburg, celebrated his 73rd birthday at Bods Castle, Windsor Castle, Great Britain, 17 November 2020 (Reuters)
British Queen Isabel II and her husband, Duke of Edimburg, celebrating his 73rd birthday at Bods Castle, Windsor Castle, Great Britain, 17 November 2020 (Reuters)

A spokesman for Buckingham’s palace defended Isabel II in his defense, stating that the consent was “a parliamentary procedure” and that the sovereign function was always formal, the consent always was given by the monarch when he was elected by the Governor. . Any assertion that the sovereign has blocked a piece of legislation is simply incorrect ”.

“With the consent of the Reina, it is (algo) decided by the Parliament, Independentemente la Casa Real, in matters affecting the interests of the Crown, including the personal property and personal interests of the monarch”, added.

Specifically, the periodicals elaborated a list of 1,062 projects that were subject to the consent of Queen Isabel II since its accession to the throne on February 6, 1952. There was a variety of parliamentary pieces that affected its properties. and Balmoral (Escocia) and Sandringham (England). Agreed with the list of the richest people in the United Kingdom who published the year passed the dominant “The Sunday Times”, Isabel II’s personal fortune is estimated at 350 million books.

With EFE information


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