Bryan Villarini is at Wapa | Scenario

Bryan Villarini is one of the live Viva la tarde programs, airing next Monday, February 1st, at 1:00 pm on Wapa TV.

The professional make-up artist and multimedia presenter includes Jaime Mayol, Tita Guerrero, Andrea Rivera and Rafael José, the lunches, girls and girls.

Llega a su fin ¡Ahora es!

“We hope to approve Bryan to join the Wapa Television and Viva La Tarde family. His unique style fits perfectly with our team. Aunt Tita as Rafael José knows his trayectoria in the theater and as a human being. Ambos respects his work and, together with the rest of the group, states that his integration is special, ”commented José Del Valle, executive producer of the space.

La Comay has no influence on its health

Villarini has 22 years of experience as a makeup artist in the artistic medium, as he has been a vlogger, influencer and television personality, since his most recent participation in ‘Ahora es!’ .

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Ivonne Orsini, who by December 2020 has been part of Viva la tarde, dio el salto Telemundo para liderar junto a Ramón “Gato” Gómez el maanero Hoy día Puerto Rico.
