Britt Reid: Girl fights for life after an accident with the son of Andy Reid, coach of the Kansas City Chiefs

Andy Reid, head coach of Kansas City, believes he does not allow a car accident involving his son, which left a five-year-old girl in a critical condition, to be a distraction for the Super Bowl.

The youngster was seriously injured in the crash and is in a “critical condition and has not woken up since the crash,” her family said.

Britt Reid, a coach for the team and the son of Andy Reid, was behind the wheel of a truck involved in the crash near the team’s home stadium in Kansas City, Missouri.

Police say Reid, 35, admitted that he had been drinking before the accident, and that an investigation had been launched, but that no charges had been filed yet.

CBS reporter Tracy Wolfson told the channel before the game that sources told her that Andy Reid did not allow the incident to be a “distraction” for the game against the Tampa Bay Buccaneers.

Two children in the back of a Chevrolet Traverse were injured in the incident, with the five-year-old being life-threatening.

A GoFundMe page has now been set up for the young man named Ariel, with the goal of raising $ 100,000,

“Ariel, 5 years old, swelled and bled in and around the brain. She is in a critical condition and has not woken up since the accident,” reads the GoFundMe page.

An image of the child’s GoFundMe page

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An image of the child’s GoFundMe page


“Ariel will be in the hospital in the foreseeable future, it’s set up for the hospital bills and weeks of missed work that will come.

“No child deserves it, and no mother should see her child like that.”

Reid, the outside linebacker coach, was left at home and did not travel to the Super Bowl.

Authorities say a motorist in a Chevrolet Impala ran out of gas and called for help, and the family in the Chevrolet Traverse stood with headlights nearby.

A white Dodge pickup truck was driving on the exit to get on I-435 when it hit the Impala and hit the Traverse from behind.

None of the adults involved in the crash were injured.

“The organization has been made aware of a multi-vehicle accident involving Britt Reid, a coach of Outside Linebackers,” the Chiefs said in a statement.

We are gathering information, and we will not comment further at this time. Our thoughts and prayers are with all involved. ‘
