Britos salva a Municipal de un bochorno –

GUATEMALA. Municipal sufrió más de la cuenta para doblegar a un aguerrido Sanarate, durante la fecha 3 del Torneo Clausura de la Liga Nacional.

If the kings think that the celestial series a flan is equivocaron. The Argentinian team Matías Tatangelo deserves the most success in El Trébol, so all because he made it to the bottom, but his goal was the final score.

With Sanarate parade with property and looking to make a day, appear the flight John Méndez to associate with the Argentine Gustavo Britos, who developed the parade to break the defensive line and the national team to Ivan Pacheco, who crossed for the 1st.

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But, the red ones are a team of contemporaneity and they are known as Sanarate, who can press when they have their defenders, who will have a concierge of errors. This is what Kenderson Navarro’s goalkeeper, who surprisingly replaces Uruguayan Rafael García, has determined.

The santarroseño bus will play tomorrow, after the entry of the driver to Leandro Basán, who assisted the Venezuelan Charles Martínez, who, even the murdered man, went to Navarro for the 1-1 at minute 31. There was a descent.


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Con Sanarate pagandole attack by attack or error by error in Municipal, the second part does not have a dominator.

Pero desde la la banca llegó Alejandro Díaz, quien assistio a su compatriota Gustavo Britos, para que elriete venciera a Pacheco y colocara el 2-1 al minuto 69. La jugada venía predida de un atque que despilfarró Sanarate.

Sanarate realized his five cambios looking empathetic, from hecho, hasta portero Ivan Pacheco was able to cover a free shot in search of his offensive towers, but not fruitful.

As a result, the Argentine double between Díaz and Britos is newly announced, with the new red card marking 3-1 at minute 89.

Although not in its best version, Municipal court has a series of six games without winning and the technician Sebastián Bini has no respite, through the two initial mistakes of the competence, while Sanarate is looking to win in the tournament and empire to retire in the zone of descent.

The paragraphs and all the incidents of the encounter can be revised by clicking on the result of the match in the game calendar o in the section IN VIVO from

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