Britney Spears: The End of the ‘Princess of Pop’

“Britney Spears wants to recover more than she controls her fortune, she wants her father to separate,” said Liz Day, a columnist and editor of The New York Times.

Fans of the song “Free Britney” will be cheering for the situation as it stands today. Numerous celebrities took part in the initiative to show their support for Britney Spears.

Transformed into a pop superstar, it was sometimes accompanied by a continuous scrutiny that increased with its novelty and rupture with Justin Timberlake. Through the stride of the documentary, he has been exposed by his behavior.

“To hear it, Britney is going to hear what he has read here.” With this premise, the documentary ‘Framing Britney Spears’, production of The New York Times and available in Hulu, shows the eye and eye of the ‘princess of the pop’ and the legal battle that, since the beginning of the month, the mantiene para liberarse de la tutela que su padre eierce sober ella desde año 2008, con un absolute absolute sober todos sus movimientos.

A decision adopted on mental health issues and that, in principle, should be temporary, although three years ago it was considered vigorous, with Britney pleading guilty to the charges in order to change her situation.

Currently, there is a new audience hope for the case on March 17 and April 27, Jamie Spears will share control over Britney’s activity with the Bassemer Trust private equity fund.

. “Britney Spears wants to recover some more than she has control of her fortune, she wants her father to separate,” said Liz Day, a columnist and editor at The New York Times, who followed the case, as well as those who follow impulse the ‘Free Britney’ movement in the 2019 premiere, despite the fact that the artist disappears from the public stage without wasting reason.

It was later revealed that she had been admitted to a psychiatric center by a judicial order through her father’s petition. A low initiative ‘Free Britney’, which is a new impetus with the artist’s documentary sober, has a sociable celebration of Miley Cyrus, Paris Hilton and Cher.


In the finals of the 90’s, and we had haber triumphant in ‘Mickey Mouse Club’, Britney Spears’s environment in the great phenomenon of pop music in a moment in which no eran las mujeres las que mas écito tenían, sino las’ boy bands ‘, which vivían su epoca dorada, lo que no impidió a la joven artista arrasar con’ Baby one more time ‘y, un año después, con’ Oeps! … I did it again ‘, dos trabajos que obtuvieron ventas millonarias.

His success and posterior relationship and rupture with the singer Justin Timberlake, the convertieron in the focus of media attention, who are listening to one of the movements of the young singer, who can not escape even without the inevitable sexualization or response it seems that nadie le habría hecho nun a un artist masculino.

Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake have been converted to ‘America’s Parish’, through the rupture, Timberlake used a paperback that was converted to Britney at the center of all criticism.

She, now, traces the strangeness of the documentary that was repeated all the time with Britney, has lost sight of how things are understood.

Pero the moment of the liturgical song without embargo ever since, in 2007, during his divorce from Kevin Federline three years after his matrimony, with various scandalous public and the loss of the custodian of his two threes in a center of salud spiritually.

In the documentary some of the episodes are protagonized by the song in which it is clear that something is not right, but more than to generate an alarm, it will be sent at the moment as a motive, as it happens when it is called or when attack with a paraguas the vehicle of one of the paparazzi that the seguían habitually.

Daniel Ramos, the photographer taken by Britney Spears in February 2007, recorded in the documentary the relationship of the singer with the press. ‘In principle, when the paparazzi followed Britney, it was noted that it was frustrating. Ella saludaba, era muy amigable, un amor de niña. It was as if we needed and we would need them for her. We both need and maintain a great relationship ”.

‘All exploded when I first saw him with Kevin Federline. All wanted a Britney pedazo. The sensationalist media pagaban mucho dinero. When you are caught up in everything so, in this state, you really do not know what the famous person is doing ”, however, beforehand – despite the evidence – that Britney will do something that everyone will talk about.


See Britney’s father who at that moment decided to take cards in his aid and solicit Britney’s temporary tutelage. Although, as Liz Day explained in the documentary, it was designed for mayors who could not take care of themselves or their money, justifies what the justice system can do to another person.

“Unusually strong, Pork Britney is so young and productive … but it is speculated that she may be suffering from mental health problems or drug abuse. It’s a surprising surprise to note that Jamie was not an important figure in his life before that, ”assures the New York Times columnist.

The lawyer specializing in custodians Adam Streisand revealed that Britney Spears told the court that she did not want her father to walk her tutor and control her finances, and that she believed she was a professional, even though she denied justice.

To see if Britney’s control is exhaustive, Liz Day explains: “According to the judicial records, Britney’s tutors can check who can and will not visit, and maintain security guards over the 24 hours of the day. Tienen has the power to access its medical records and communicate with its doctors, take control of its case and, including, cancel its credit cards ”.

Geen sólo eso: también pueden firmar contracts and agreements of grab, gira and appearances on television for her. “It is speculated that Britney may have accepted the title, in principle, because she was preoccupied with seeing her husbands”, about what she had lost to the custodian.

Since 2008, Britney Spears has been working hard, picking up musical excitements and increasing her fortune. Last November, without embarrassment, it was decided that the judiciary would reinstate its request for “release” of the legal custodian acts, announcing that it had been able to indefinitely abandon the scenarios if it did not have custody.
