British Justice Court dismisses Assange extradition to United States

While suing, British justice has denied the allegations in a statement issued Friday stating “Similar, baseless allegations concerning WikiLeaks’s lawyer, Julian Assange, have been made more than once.

“Considering that the mental state of Senator Assange is the most serious series of extraditions to the United States,” Vanessa Baraitser said in London. And accepts that “Assange’s mental health is deteriorating motivated to commit suicide by the ‘obsessive determination’ of his autism spectrum disorder”.

United States can reconsider this decision and announcement that it has: “We are extremely deceptive” and “we will continue to look after the extradition of Senator Assange”, the Department of Justice in Washington said.

Assange’s defense will pay its respects to the fiancée in a visit to the high schools.

The Australian, 49 years old, has been detained for more than 20 months in Belmarsh’s London prison since his spectacular detention in April 2019 in the Ecuadorian embassy in the United Kingdom – where he is being held for years, he will be detained.

However, the former mayor of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador announced that he would seek political asylum.

– “Obtener justicia” –

“Hoy marks a victory for Julian. The victory of hoy is a first step towards obtaining justice in this case”, afirmó tras la vista la sudafricana abogada Stella Morris, sentimental companion de Assange con quien tiene dos hijos.

A jubilee ceremony was held between the train of protesters who had gathered at the gates of the tribunal to express their support in a case denounced as a key to the freedom of the press.

“¡Ganamos!”, Gritaron abrazándose y dejando a un costado sus pancartas donde podië leerse “No extraditen a Assange, el periodismo no es un crimen” o “Liberen la verdad, excarcelen a Assange”.

“I’ve had this man because he’s a man who, in my opinion, has just been accused of basically committing the crime”, said AFP a demonstrator, Myra Sands, 78 years old.

También des Rusia, donde vive exiliado, el excontatista de intelligensia intadounidense Edward Snowden -reclamado él mismo por filtraciones- afirmó esperar “que este sea el finale” para Assange.

Assange and WikiLeaks became famous in 2010 as a result of the publication of some 700,000 military and confidential diplomatic documents that would merge into the United States on more than one property.

Among them is a video showing helicopters combating civilian missions against Iraq in 2007, killing a dozen people in Baghdad, including periodicals from the Reuters news agency.

– “La lucha no ha terminado” –

Before pronouncing, the juvenile Baraitser examined detenidamente in September, three months of retrospective debit to the coronavirus pandemic, the solicitation stadium.

Claiming that Assange, who has a very debilitating physical and mental health, quits the life, Morris filed a petition against 800,000 companies against the British government against his extradition.

It is one of the principal arguments of the defense, together with the denunciation that the Australian, who was sentenced to 175 years in prison if the Judicial Court of Justice declares him guilty of espionage, does not seek a fair trial in the United States.

Washington has accused it of cracking down on the life of its informants with the publication of secret documents on military actions in Iraq and Afghanistan, which reveal acts of torture, civilian deaths and other abuses.

But for his support committee, his “loads with political motivation”.

The editor-in-chief of WikiLeaks, Kristinn Hrafnsson, called it Monday and did not remove the guard.

“It’s a victory day for Julian Assange, but we must be cautious, it is not necessarily a victory for periodism,” he said. “I am immediately concerned that the governors of the governing state affirm that they have appealed this decision,” he said, adding that “the case has not been resolved”.

The Australian defense, coordinated at the international level by former Spanish jailer Baltasar Garzón, denounced last week that United States President Donald Trump wanted to practice with him a “exemplary” caste in his “war against investigative periodicals”.

It’s time to see the action of the president electo estadounidense, the democrat Joe Biden.
