Bright Memory: Infinite movie preview ‘Villain’, screenshots

Clear memory: infinite

Publisher Playism and developer FYQD-Studio has released a new trailer and screenshots for Clear memory: infinite introduction of General Lin, the arch-enemy of the heroine Shelia of the game.

Here is an overview of the game via the Steam page:

Clear memory: infinite is a brand new flash fast merging of first person shooter and action genres, created by FYQD-Studio. Combines a wide range of skills and abilities to present dazzling attacks.

Clear memory: infinite is located in a sprawling, futuristic metropolis in the year 2036. A strange phenomenon for which scientists can find no explanation has occurred in the sky around the world. The Supernatural Science Research Organization (SRO) has sent agents to different regions to investigate this phenomenon. It is soon discovered that these strange events are connected to an archaic mystery – an unknown history of two worlds that are about to come to light …

Clear memory: infinite should be available for Xbox series and PC via Steam in 2021. A PlayStation 5 version is payable later.

Check out the trailer below. Check out the screenshots at the gallery.

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