Bride says sister-in-law must wear a suitcase dress to get married, otherwise she can not come

Brides really do not like to be performed.

Everyone always says that they are going to lose weight before a wedding. One woman did, which is great, except for the fact that she’s not the future bride. Worse, the future bride is apparently upset because she is worried that she will not be paying attention to her own wedding.

According to a story on Reddit, a woman who lost about 20 pounds in the past year due to the pandemic is no longer welcome at her sister-in-law's wedding.

According to a story on Reddit, a woman who lost about 20 pounds in the past year due to the pandemic is no longer welcome at her sister-in-law’s wedding.

In a post on Reddit’s forums, a user named ThrowRAWeddings shared their story. According to her, she has lost about 20 pounds in the past year due to the pandemic. She explained that she had more time to exercise and to make healthy meals.

Her brother’s sister is getting married later this year and has only a small group of people at the ceremony. The family recently got together to make plans for the wedding and it apparently did not go well.


According to the story, we met at our house yesterday to talk to her brother about wedding plans. When the future bride saw me, she became angry with me and accused me of trying to raise her at her own wedding. because I’m in shape now and I feel good and confident. ‘

The story goes on, “She said that (I) knew she was going to get married, and I had been fit all my life, but I deliberately chose right before her wedding to do so. My husband preceded me. defends her, but after she left he told me that I should apologize to her because she is very insecure and since her fiancé and her best friend and fiancé’s parents have not seen me yet as they have lost weight, they will see it and it feels like I’m deliberately trying to raise her. “


The author concludes the story by saying that she was told that she could not come to the wedding, or that she ‘had to wear something really baggy’ so that everyone there would not see her weight loss.

She writes: “I do not feel like I did anything on purpose to ruin the wedding, but the fact that my husband who was helpful to her but just sat by his side makes me feel insane!”

Reddit users have basically taken her side, and one user writes: “Everyone has uncertainty, and it’s hard, but you can not demand that other people adjust their lives just to suit your insecurity. The world does not turn around your sister-in-law, and I think it’s best that you do not go to the wedding, except that you go there with a suitcase and reaffirm your sister-in-law that if she throws a tantrum, she will get what she wants. ‘


Another user added: “It’s just crazy! I’ll be so happy for everyone who’s set on getting healthier and looking / feeling their best. Good thing you’re doing so well! Your husband’s setting sister-in-law’s bad behavior, there is no reason for it. ‘

“You struggle to turn your head about it because it’s ridiculous and your husband has to get it right,” adds another, “and you support here rather than his sister’s absurd demands.”
