Brian Sicknick, Capitol Police Officer Killed in Riot Injury, Honored in Rotunda

Brian Sicknick, the Capitol U.S. police officer who died from injuries sustained during the January 6 riot, will be honored in the Rotunda of the building.

“The U.S. Congress is united in sadness, gratitude and solemn appreciation for the service and sacrifice of Officer Brian Sicknick,” Nancy Pelosi, D-California, and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, DN.Y., said in a joint statement.

‘The heroism of Officer Sicknick and the Capitol Police during the violent uprising against our Capitol, helped save lives, defend the temple of our democracy, and ensure that Congress is not diverted from our duty to the Constitution. His sacrifice reminds us every day of our commitment to our country and to the people we serve. ”

Sicknick, who served in the New Jersey Air National Guard before joining Capitol police in 2008, was injured “while physically talking to protesters” and returned to his branch office, where he collapsed. the Capitol police said in a previous statement. He was taken to a hospital, where he died on Jan. 7 at about 9:30 p.m. He was 42.

The legislators met on Feb. 2 at 9:30 p.m. on the Eastern Front of the Capitol. A viewing will begin shortly thereafter and continue overnight. Members of Congress are invited to attend the viewing the next morning, followed by a tribute from lawmakers.

Sicknick is then buried in Arlington National Cemetery.
