Bravos from Atlanta are the favorites for companies’ n Marcell Ozuna

Loose Bravos de Atlanta ya geen son los favoritos para re-firmar al dominicano Marcell Ozuna de cara a la MLB 2021

Segun Buster Onley, los Bravo’s ya geen son los favoritos para Marcell Ozuna to negotiate a multi-million dollar contract for more than 90 million.

The time of Ozuna in the Bravos were very productive, yes, quedó as leader of remarried and ironworkers in the National League, giving saber that his productive could be in a time of the MLB.

One day ago, the Dominican Day was down to a minimum of 100 million and that you do not want to be a firmer for one of the times, sino, establishlecerse with a team for a buen billete ya largo plazo in MLB.

Here is the report:

Marcell Ozuna of 39 years and 6’1 of stature, sum also increased in the Grand Leagues, has been selected for star games, plate holder and gold medal guarantor in 2017.

Follow us Yankees de New York, Ángeles Dodgers y los Red Sox of Boston, Nacionales de Washignton en Gigantes de San Francisco también han intentionado negociar con Marcell Ozuna.
