Brave standard 2’s Beastmaster Job is basically Pokémon

If nothing else, the cute outfits make the Beastmaster worth exploring.

If nothing else, the cute outfits make the Beastmaster worth exploring.
Screenshot: Square Enix / Kotaku

Kotaku Games DiaryKotaku Games DiaryThe latest thoughts from a Kotaku staff about a game we’re playing.

Set up your party Brave default II is less about the characters you use than about the tasks you equip them with. It’s a smart strategy to always have basic healers and damage vendors on hand, for sure, but when it comes to my party, I never foresee that there will be at least one Beastmaster in the wings.

I opened the Beastmaster last week, a few hours in my Brave default II play through. Although it felt bad to snatch the classic Asterisk crystal from gentle, animal-loving Anihal after her boss fight (maybe another time a story), any guilt I had was erased as soon as I moved the main character Gloria away from her duties as White Mage to the more offensive oriented archetype.

Beastmasters, what a Brave default II, is exactly how it sounds: masters of animals. During combat, they are able to capture monsters for later use with special, job-specific skills, and each captured enemy increases the function of the job. When the Beastmaster is used effectively (or, in my case obsessively), it changes the dynamics of each battle by emphasizing as many monsters as possible rather than killing them.

As with most of the games, I played in the Brave default II menu to see the Beastmaster immediately after it is unlocked. Although the description and skill progress on paper did not grip me, I quickly gained the potential of the Beastmaster after trying it in a few random battles. I tried to add every orc and killer rabbit I could find to Gloria’s virtual zoo, and each one gave her a new skill or game to use in future battles.

Minotaurs are now my best friends.

Minotaurs are now my best friends.
Screenshot: Square Enix / Kotaku

Gloria quickly became the most powerful, trusted member of my party. While battle against Bernard in chapter 1For example, the hordes of Minotaurs I caught in the pit that led to the battle enabled her to deal with thousands of damage points around every turn, thanks to their brutal pound attack. Depending on the monster, the Beastmaster can also provide access to skills I have not yet encountered with any other class, such as the Fresh Foliole Aerora wind game, which is useful for hitting weaknesses that the Black Mage cannot do , and the Restless Souls’ Disembody, which applies Stop for several turns. I’m sure future posts will have parallels with these useful abilities, but for now, the Beastmaster seems to be useful in expanding my tactics.

But of all the Beastmaster’s talent, it struck me most about his ability to turn Brave default II in Pokémon. Catching monsters early is a balance to depleting their HP as much as possible without killing them. The weaker they are, the easier they can get caught. However, upgrading the Beastmaster with continued use unlocks skills such as Mercy Strike and Mercy Smash, which are much like False cattle in the Pokémon series, should never kill targets, but rather leave them at 1 PK, which provides the perfect opportunity to add them to your arsenal. Making an opponent an ally is mostly just a matter of giving the Beastmaster multiple actions with the Brave mechanic, hitting a monster with some of these safe attacks, and then getting everything in the same turn to catch.

Brave default II is, after all, a massive game. I have been exploring the world for twelve hours and have not yet completed Chapter 1. With all its intricacies, the Beastmaster task is a perfect microcosm for the Brave default II experience, an example of how just one class can open up endless possibilities in party creation and strategy refinement. And hey, even if the Beastmaster later loses some versatility, the cute, hairy outfits it gives to the main characters should at least give a moral boost during tough fights.
