Brasil registers more than 1,300 walls by COVID-19 for the fifth consecutive day

Workers in the vicinity of a person killed by covid-19, in the public cemetery Nossa Senhora Aparecida in Manaos, Amazonas (Brazil).  Raphael Alves / Archive
Workers inside a person killed by covid-19, in the public cemetery Nossa Senhora Aparecida in Manaos, Amazonas (Brazil). Raphael Alves / Archive

Brazil has estimated that on Saturday it will have more than 1,300 deaths per day, with the total number of bankruptcies reaching 255,000, at the moment the pandemic has semi-paralyzed in the country due to the intensity of a second most virulent, informs the Gobierno.

Brazil, one of the most vulnerable countries to the virus, recorded 1,386 deaths in its last 24 hours and a total of 254,221 deaths, according to the high-profile ballot paper by the Ministry of Health.

In the last fifty days the number of bankruptcies has been fixed at the rate of 1,300: 1,386 on Tuesdays, 1,428 on Wednesdays, 1,541 on Thursdays, 1,337 on Wednesdays and 1,386 on Saturdays.

The number of contagions also increases altogether and since the winter it has registered 61,302 new contagios with the total number of infections in the country rising to 10,517,232.

From more than one month, the death toll by covid in the country covers the 1,000 diaries and the contagios are located near the 50,000, figures that are in critical condition in the middle of the country, then the health system of 13 of them 27 states will be able to collapse and the Units of Intensive Care (UCI) is a point of disembarking its capacity.

In the most affected regions, where it has been seen that it is obliged to return the means of restriction, predominantly the toques of this night and the closing of trade.

The confirmed figures in Brazil, with its 210 million inhabitants, as the second world peace with mayor number of deaths, after the United States, and the third with more contagios, beyond the North American and Indian countries.

With the increase in deaths and cases this Saturday, the death toll in the country has risen to 121 deaths per 100,000 residents, while the incidence has dropped to 5,004 infected per 100,000 residents. The infertility rate in Brazil is 2.4% of the total population.

However, out of a total of 9,386,440 contagious people were recovered, which corresponded to 89.2% of the infected, while 876,571 others followed medical treatment (8.38% of the total).

A test to detect the Brazilian variant

Brazil ultima the launch of a PCR test that detects a specific shape if a person has been contacted with the new variant of the coronavirus originating from the state of Amazonas, more contagious and concocted as P.1, informs these firefighters about medicines.

The PCR is developed by the Institute of Tropical Medicine of the University of San Pablo (USP), and with it hopes to discover the real incidence of the new Brazilian variant in the population of the country, at the moment in which live a serious aggravation of the pandemic.

Sanitary personnel carried out the interior of a high coronavirus victim in the Sao Franscisco Xavier cemetery in Rio de Janeiro.  EFE / Fabio Motta
Sanitary personnel carried out the interior of a high coronavirus victim in the Sao Franscisco Xavier cemetery in Rio de Janeiro. EFE / Fabio Motta

Our expectation is that it is the end of the week that is listed and validated, and we will start applying on a large scale to have an idea of ​​the prevalence of P.1 ”, signaled to the news agency EFE Dr. José Eduardo Levi, Researcher at the Institute of Tropical Medicine of the USP.

This new test will allow you to adopt a more rapid way of genetic sequencing, if an individual was infected or not with the Amazon variant, which has been “three times” more contagious, according to the Ministry of Health.

The Brazilian variant was first detected by Japanese sanitary authorities on January 9, after analyzing the patterns of four passengers traveling to Tokyo from the Amazon, north of Brazil.

With EFE information


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