Brad Pitt is living a difficult moment

In 57 years ago, Brad Pitt had a sign of the las estrellas más queridas de Hollywood and the predominant como un ikcono de la belleza masculina. Without embarrassment, the star of ‘Había unz vez … en Hollywood’ y ‘Leyendas de pasion’ does not pass for its best moments, neither physical nor emotional. The last noticeable and imaginable things that have happened to him have been demonstrated.

The miracles, Pitt was photographed retiring a medical device, specifically the dentist. In this case, any haberdashery is a drug addict and is admitted to the clinic with the man subject to the mandible, is converted to something more for the actor. Salon of the clinical center, located in Beverly Hills, in Los Angeles, in a row of rooms.

Employed by a guard and apparently visibly detached and accommodated, the interpreter will not appear disillusioned. Además of the obligatory cubrebocas, llevaba gafas de sol y, about the cabeza, the hood of his abrigo. First there was the door to the clinic staff and there was one of his guards who had to load the room. Hecho, Pitt’s assistant intended to take a camera to avoid being photographed, but it will not be recorded.

Controversies and legal issues

This actor’s preoccupied image is one of the difficulties that will overcome his legal situation with Angelina Jolie, with whom he was three years old and in the middle of a divorce that has no deadline to clear and is considered one of the most beautiful cars in the history of the show .

The couple passed away some more than a decade of their lives, but in September 2016, three years ago, they filed for divorce. A separation that is delayed until concretization, subject to the decision of the custodian and the regime of visits of the six hijackers of the matrimonial.

Last March, Jolie accused Pitt of “abuse” in the case of trying to direct the custodia of the chicks. Pitt also filed a lawsuit and did not arrest him, nor did he make any statements during the hearing, but on March 12, Jolie presented legal documents confirming that she, as his institution, had to testify and testify against the actor.

In the meantime, a source close to Pitt has stated in media reports that he was “disconnected”: “He assumes responsibility for his actions and his past problems: baby day. The matrimony is very passionate and toxic to people and, like all couples, they have sex, but they also have many good moments together ”. Pitt stated in an interview with The New York Times diary that his matrimony is conditioned at its most recent moments by his alcohol addiction, and that during a year and a half he studied with Alcoholics Anonymous.
