Bowel cancer symptoms: Abdominal pain may be an indication of the disease

This type of cancer is common in the UK, with around 42,300 people being diagnosed with the condition each year. Both sexes are susceptible to bowel cancer, and early treatment is necessary for longer-term survival. Cancer Research UK has noted symptoms of bowel cancer that can be found in men and women. Note if you have abdominal pain, because abdominal pain is one possible sign of the disease. there may also be a lump felt on the right side of the abdomen.

Three other signs of bowel cancer include unexplained weight loss, fatigue and shortness of breath.

“Consult your GP if you are concerned about any symptoms you think may be caused by bowel cancer,” said Cancer Research UK.

If you visit your GP due to worrying symptoms, these tips can help you get the most out of your appointment.

  • Record your symptoms, when they start, when they happen, and how often
  • Anything that makes them worse or better
  • Notify your GP if you are worried about cancer
  • Tell them if there is a family history of cancer
  • Ask the GP to explain everything you do not understand

During the visit, the doctor may perform a rectal examination – if a glove finger is placed in the back passage to see if it is abnormal.

“Obesity is a cause of bowel cancer,” Cancer Research UK warned; Obesity is defined as a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or more.

Smoking is also linked to the disease, and the risk of bowel cancer increases with the number of cigarettes smoked per day.

Alcohol can also increase the risk of bowel cancer, and the risk of developing the disease increases as you get older.

If you have had bowel cancer before, you are also at greater risk for another bowel cancer.
