Boris Johnson announces new national refinement by COVID-19 in United Kingdom

The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Boris Johnson, announced today, Monday, a new national confinement that will be extended to the last few months of February in order to combat a new variety of coronavirus that is propagating rapidly.

Johnson says the country finds itself in a “critical moment” and that cases are rising rapidly in all parts of the country.

According to the new rules, which enter into force the possible antiquities, the primary and secondary schools and universities will be closed for the present apprenticeship, except for the essential workers’ houses. University students will not be able to attend until mid-February.

The recommendation:

All the essentials and personal care services, such as pick-me-ups, store closures, and restaurants can only offer service to help.

Hasta el lunes, has 26,626 patients with COVID in English hospitals, an increase of more than 30% respect a week. This is a 40% higher level than the first oil in the primavera.

También el lunes, Gran Bretaña dio otro gran paso el lunes en el combate al COVID-19 al aplicar las primeras inyekciones en el mundo de la vacuna desarrollada la la Universidad de Oxford y la pharmaceuticalatuutica AstraZeneca, fortaleciendo así su in programula.

Brian Pinker, a 82-year-old dialysis patient, had his first person inoculated by the infirmary at Oxford University Hospital. Pinker dijo felt very happy to be vacated, and said that “now I can actually celebrate my 48th birthday with my husband Shirley later this year”.

As of December 8, the British National Health Service (NHS, by its flags in English) of Great Britain has been using a vacancy made by Pfizer and the German company BioNTech to inoculate health workers, as well as asylum seekers and to staff of the same. The Oxford-AstraZeneca fleet has this arsenal and is the most difficult and easy to use, and requires extremely low temperatures such as the Pfizer.

The Oxford-AstraZeneca is being administered in a small number of United Kingdom hospitals during the first days, so the authorities can be careful to avoid any adverse reactions. Per cent of new evacuation sites – both in hospitals as well as local medical consultants – will begin to apply this week, uniting to the more than 700 that are in operation, the NHS said.

In an exchange with relations to the practices in the United States and other parties, now Great Britain plans to apply the second dose of vacancies 12 weeks after the first injection, to make 21 days later, with the end to accelerate the immunization of the mayor amount of people the most prone possible.

The governing body’s medical director, Jonathan Van-Tam, said the decision was “correct for the nation as a whole”.

The United Kingdom finds itself in the middle of a brutal abortion, with over 50,000 new coronavirus diarrhea infections in the last six days. The domestic registry registered 54,990 cases and 454 additional cases related to coronavirus, with a total of 75,024 deaths during the pandemic, one of the most severe cases in Europe.

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