Books and Locos will not have access to Volcano in their repertoire

Monterrey, NL /

When the Volcano open its doors to the public, Tigs jugará sin tener a la barra Books and Locos in its traditional section, as per the rules of the MX League, does not have access to animation groups for anti protocols covid19.

Well, every part of the bar you can choose your individual access, while standing inside the furniture, you can not come back together; incluso, no podrían tener s habituales instrumentos para los canticos.

“At the disposal of the MX League, there is a very specific regulation, but you can not, the group or animation group can use its specific locations in the trays traditionally have access. The Libres and Lokos section can be used by them , las personas sí “, said Juan Carlos Valenzuela, Director of Mercadotecnia, Commercial and Communication of Tigers.

“Sí queríamos (poner butacas en la zona de Libres y Lokos), pero ne depende de nosotros, no podemos usarla, debe quedar limpia, nos pondremos creativos (con advertidad), pero no podemos tomar sus lugares, la section unda debe ser used … we would like, but we can take meters meters here “, aggregate.
