Booker T volvería al ring para lucha ante Triple H – Opmerkings WWE, Resultados y más! – PRWrestling

In the most recent episode of The Hall of Fame Podcast, Booker T was about a possible return to WWE as a listener.

Booker says that he’s open to the idea of ​​taking the triple ante Triple H in Saudi Arabia because there’s a lot of money going to the WWE.

“Si Booker T vs. Triple llega, tendría que ser en Arabia porque WWE está envanande grande checks [para luchar allí]”, Dijo Booker T.” To be able to go under the ring, the situation tends to be correct. My gustaría que me heidense. Alguien could tell me that he was lying in my house (his school), and yes, it was my place and my job to teach my alumni and most of us would like to work. But here, I am looking to find another find, if the situations are correct, with Triple H.

‘What happens to this bestry [en WrestleMania 19], by the way that the final was not when the Mayor of the fanatics wanted it at night. Tanta gente quería que ganara esa noche, recurerd que un par de empleados de la oficina dijeron: “Book debiste haber ganado esta noche”. Good, you’re a writer. Tuviste una parte, ¿por qué no hablaste? ”

Booker continued to work on his wrestling match at WrestleMania 19 with Triple H in WrestleMania 19 and came up with something out of the ordinary.

“I did not sleep that night, I did not pierce the sueño because he always saw the free light as movies”, says Booker T. The movie is sold and the movie is sold out. Ni una sola vez miré atras y dije hombre, debería haber ganado ese encuentro. “Never before has such a thing happened, nor has anyone ever thought of anything in the way of that way,” he said.
